Message of Freedom from Saint Germain

Message of Freedom from Saint Germain

Message to America and the People of Earth

This is an excerpt of a dictation by Saint Germain given June 11, 1977 and published in the Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 20, No. 31.

I say to you, people of light, accept your mission of the ages!  Accept your role as the ones who are the protectors of freedom on earth. This indeed is America’s destiny–to teach a way of life that is a form of government whereby each threefold flame and every living soul may commune with God and out of that communion evolve one vote and cast that vote for freedom.

So let it be that this understanding of the inner communion is the foundation of God-government of the people, by the people, and for the people that shall not perish from the earth if this nation, America, shall rise again to her God-destiny in this age and shall forge that unity that is sponsored by the Archangel Michael who comes for the deliverance, who comes to unite you, and who comes with a message:  “Remember, ye are brethren!”

Therefore let brethren unite for the glorious victory of the Christ, for the Second Coming of Jesus and the coming again of the gracious Lord Buddha, Lord of the World and giver of the flame of life to all peoples. So let the understanding of the convergence of the teachings of East and West be the forte of the God-identified man. And let souls who love the flame of purity now acquaint themselves with the flame of Mother, and let that Mother of Cosmos nourish once again new life and the new birth.

O Mother Liberty, raise your torch high and welcome all souls of light to America and to earth and reveal the Book of the Law and let it be the Everlasting Gospel. So let the angel come and let him deliver to the hearts of this people and every people on earth the understanding of the one true Source and that energy which is God vouchsafed to every living soul.

I call, then, to the lost tribes of the house of Israel:  Come forth and claim your God-identity!  Come out of all of the nations and be free and be the teachers of the ages and know the I AM THAT I AM within the heart and know your Real Self as the ever-living Christ.

So let the violet flame be the quality of mercy that is not strained. Let the violet flame be invoked daily. Let your meditation be upon the flame and the flame frequency which you will find in the violet-flame color. This is my ray. This is the ray of the Aquarian age. This is the color of freedom itself. So let it beat within your heart. Let it infire your heart. Let it instill you with that love of the early patriots and of those who forged that victory of freedom many centuries ago in the heart of Europe, in that little country of Switzerland where there burns yet a threefold flame for all peoples to dip into and to use for the victory.

O Afra and sons and daughters of Afra, I call you to the one law of the I AM THAT I AM. I call you now. Heed the word of the ascended masters and prove your freedom and demonstrate your freedom and your ability to be whole. I speak then to the black and the white and to those of every race. Each one of you has the opportunity to bring forth a great genius to this earth, but it must be done by individual application and soul worth. It must be the forging of your Self out of the energy that God has placed within your heart.

Now come forth. I send you love. Be free, then, of all of the past. Let the earth be washed by the waters of the living Word. Let the records of war on every continent, of hatred and prejudice and strife be dissolved now!  For I AM Saint Germain, the sponsor of a new era of freedom. I sponsor America and every nation on earth where freedom is enshrined, and I sponsor every soul who will yet live to be free.

People of America, pray for those who are not free in every way and safeguard your heritage of freedom. For when you lose the right to be free by the subtle encroachments of the fallen ones, you will regret the hour that you were not vigilant upon the wall as watchmen of the Lord. And when the cry to that watchman, “What of the night?” will be sounded, I am counting on every American to be the watchman on the wall of the Lord and the wall of freedom. And when the cry is given forth, then, what will your answer be?  I say let it be, “All is well!”

To read the entire Pearl Message to America and the People of Earth for Saint Germain's complete teaching, please go to: Vol. 20 No. 31 – Beloved Saint Germain – July 31, 1977.

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