Greater Heart Capacity – Maha Chohan

Greater Heart Capacity – Maha Chohan

These excerpts are from the 1992 Pentecost dictation by the Maha Chohan published in Pearls of Wisdom® Vol. 35 No. 21.

Would you not have a greater heart capacity, beloved? [“Yes!”]

I come to you this evening to tell you, oh, it is so possible! Stretch the heart muscle! Expand the petals of the heart chakra! Breathe upon the fire of the threefold flame and breathe upon it again and know that your breathing exercises are for more than meets the eye.1

Blessed ones, here is how you expand the heart. Everyone has established a certain limit of patience, of tolerance, of indulgence of others. Most people, including yourselves, find that level of limitation. And when someone does try you or test you or torment you beyond a certain level, you, then, are no longer in that state of patience [or tolerance or indulgence]. And at that moment, because of the artificial barriers of the heart that you have erected, [you declare your limit, which] you do not go beyond. [You are unwilling to] walk another mile and another mile, caring for life–caring for life, beloved, loving and still loving, and yet that love is such a power of the discipline of the soul and of the fire of your own spirit. [This is surely not the way to expand the heart!]

Love is surely the greatest quality of God and the most misunderstood. Love is a purging fire! Love is self-discipline and the discipline of the child and the four lower bodies that have grown out of line. [Accept Love without limits and you will expand your heart.]

Yes, beloved, let us test the heart! Let us expand the capacity of heart for the power of God to bring all into submission to the Great Heart of Light! Thus, [there is the need for] the two-edged sword, the mighty sword of discrimination, beloved, whereby there is mercy, whereby there is justice and whereby Love does impel those who have gone out of the way to come back to that center!

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O beloved ones, for a moment contemplate the seraphim of God who have gathered this night to love you, to love you and to love you! All that we do and say is to love you. You must understand Love that is a piercing fire that will suddenly separate you from the most cherished elements of yourself or your life. You must understand this and get on top of it and go beyond it, beloved.

You must understand that Love does come in 144,000 different flames, if you will. There is no limitation to how Love can be conveyed, and that Love does meet every human need. It does meet it, beloved. This is not an unworldly love or an otherworldly love. This is love that is God’s love, which reaches every level of life. [Embrace it and you will expand your heart!]

O the mighty sunbeams of the Great Central Sun! Bask in them now. Bask in them now, beloved. For the light of the Sun caresses you, and these light rays so gently take from you now that which you are ready to give to your Father-Mother God.

Therefore let go. Give to God all that limits you. Receive the limitless light of the Sun, the sun rays, and on these golden beams, beloved, receive now the Holy Spirit.

Each day, think of your Father-Mother Helios and Vesta as you greet the sun. And even for a moment, as you bask in the light, simply say:

I AM receiving now the Holy Spirit of Helios and Vesta
into my mind, into my heart, into my being,
into the organs of my body, into my entire self.
And I AM made Whole by the Whole-I-Spirit of Helios and Vesta.

In this Love abide. In this Love remain steadfast, unmoved, beloved, by all that would take it from you. See how your immovability is the key to your increase of the Spirit of God.

Oh, reach up and simply touch and take now the hand of your Mighty I AM Presence! Hold that hand and clasp it.

Yes, beloved, you are so very, very near to your victory. Treasure, oh, treasure the moments which you endow with the flames of your victory. Treasure the cups of consciousness. Treasure them, beloved, for the moments in the time frame shall be the elements of your eternity.

I AM the Maha Chohan. I woo you to the sacred heart of every ascended one. Make it your goal, beloved, to be that sacred heart and see how the world will truly receive the teaching you so love and you have so internalized. This is a love feast, beloved, a love feast in the Holy Spirit.

These excerpts are from the Pentecost 1992 dictation by the Maha Chohan published in Pearls of Wisdom® Vol. 35 No. 21. To read the entire Pearl Expand the Capacity of the Heart! for the Maha Chohan's complete teaching, please go to: Vol. 35 No. 21 – The Beloved Maha Chohan – May 24, 1992.

1. Djwal Kul's breathing exercise, see Djwal Kul – Breathing Exercise and Meditation

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