Online Radio: I AM the ONE!

Online Radio: I AM the ONE!

Keeping the Flame of Life

Which one are you?

Most people are content to wait for the world to change. A few, however, cannot wait to change the world! And that’s you. YOU are a lightbearer! And what do lightbearers do? They keep the Flame of Life. They lead by example, knowing that everything they do affects everyone else.

Life is a precious opportunity

Keepers of the Flame believe Life is sacred, because all life comes from God. Each blade of grass, each creature of sea, air and land, all who carry the threefold flame within the heart…ALL are endowed with the spark of Life that originates from God. And because Life is sacred, it must be protected.

Who will stand for Life?

Who will do what needs to be done? Keepers of the Flame! It is no small task that Keepers must perform, but it is essential that there are those with the consciousness and will to take up this banner and hold it high: I AM the ONE! If not you, who? If not now, when? Life must be protected, defended and cherished. And in so doing, the opportunity for each soul to progress on the homeward path to God is preserved.

The One in you is the One in all!

Being a Keeper of the Flame is a high and holy calling, for the Flame of Life is the flame of opportunity. Each and every soul must have the opportunity to choose whether or not to climb the mountain of consciousness and reunite with the heart of God. If the opportunity for life is compromised or denied, choice is limited or nullified.

And it is not only life aborning in the womb that the Keeper seeks to preserve, but the opportunity for the Life within the heart of each lightbearer to become manifest at any time, at any age.

We must be willing to awaken to the magnificent fire within that is our birthright, the divine blueprint that we are intended to embody and manifest in the full glory of Christhood.

We must not be lukewarm. We cannot compromise. Keepers of the Flame are a community of lightbearers dedicated to preserving and expanding the fire of God’s Presence throughout the world to one day usher in a new golden age, where love, light and illumination reign supreme.

And you don’t have to imagine that Reality. You can make it happen. Don’t wait for the world to change. Change the world!

Recognize that as you are a lightbearer, you are a Keeper of the Flame of Life wherever you are…and in all you do!


Tune in Sept 2 for I AM the ONE! Keeping the Flame of Life on The Open Door, Ascended Master Online Radio Programs LIVE every Tuesday at Noon, MT

All shows archived on The Open Door page and on iTunes for anytime anywhere listening!

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