52. Keeper’s Daily Prayer

  • Mother Mary's New Age Rosary starts with a new prayer. How does this rosary begin?
  • What can we learn from the Keeper's Daily Prayer?
  • What is the true meaning of the word “destiny”?
  • What is the ascension?

Mother Mary's New Age Rosary starts with a new prayer. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, how does this rosary begin?

Cosmic Cross of White FireWell, it begins with the sign of the cross, which is a mystical sign whereby we realize that God the Father, God the Mother, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are the four points of the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

This cross is the symbol of man, the incarnation of God. It also is the symbol of the energies of Spirit descending (the vertical bar) to the plane of matter (the horizontal bar).

And so we make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

In the name of God, then, we dedicate our ritual of the rosary to our putting on that life becoming life. It is in the name of God that we give this meditation.

The first prayer that Mother Mary has made a part of this ritual of the rosary—the Keeper's Daily Prayer is given as we hold the cross.

The Keeper's Daily Prayer

I AM Presence chart, the Real SelfA Flame is Active—
A Flame is Vital—
A Flame is Eternal.

I AM a God Flame of radiant Love
From the very Heart of God
In the Great Central Sun,
Descending from the Master of Life!

I AM charged now
With beloved Helios and Vesta's
Supreme God Consciousness
And Solar Awareness.

Pilgrim upon earth,
I AM walking daily the way
Of the Ascended Masters' Victory
That leads to my eternal Freedom
By the power of the sacred fire
This day and always,
Continually made manifest
In my thoughts, feelings, and immediate awareness,
Transcending and transmuting
All the elements of earth
Within my four lower bodies
And freeing me by the power of the sacred fire
From those misqualified foci of energy
within my being.

I AM set free right now from all that binds
By and through the currents of the Divine Flame
Of the sacred fire itself,
Whose ascending action makes me
God in manifestation,
God in action,
God by direction and
God in consciousness!

I AM an active Flame!
I AM a vital Flame!
I AM an eternal Flame!

I AM an expanding fire spark
From the Great Central Sun
Drawing to me now every ray
Of divine energy which I need
And which can never be requalified by the human
And flooding me with the Light
And God illumination of a thousand suns
To take dominion and rule supreme forever
Everywhere I AM!

Where I AM, there God is also.
Unseparated forever I remain,
Increasing my Light
By the smile of his radiance,
The fullness of his Love,
The omniscience of his Wisdom,
And the power of his Life eternal,
Which automatically raises me
On ascension's wings of Victory
That shall return me to the Heart of God
From whence in Truth
I AM come to do God's Will
And manifest abundant Life to all!

Beloved sons and daughters of God who are reading this today, each time you give this daily prayer, you are entering into the ritual of God whereby life within you is becoming more of that life which is the life universal and triumphant.

Mrs. Prophet, Why is the Keeper's Daily Prayer such an important part of the ritual of Mother Mary's scriptural rosary?

The Keeper's Daily Prayer is a universal creed that may be pronounced by men of all religions. It actually defines the identity of the son or the daughter of God as a flame.

As the Apostles' Creed provided the theme for the Christian dispensation, so this prayer is a declaration of faith that can be made in the New Age by sons and daughters of God wherever they may be—whether in this world or beyond the Milky Way.

For it centers the consciousness in the flame of God and does not bind the soul to man-made doctrine or timeworn dogma.

Threefold flame in the heart chakraJust listen. It begins with our identity as a flame. This is our essence. We are flaming sons and daughters of God and so we affirm:

A Flame is Active—

A Flame is Vital—

A Flame is Eternal.

Here we meditate on the concept that we are active, lively Spirit-sparks.

We are vital and we are eternal. Then we affirm, “I AM a God Flame of radiant Love from the very Heart of God in the Great Central Sun, descending from the Master of Life!”

Whenever we use the name I AM we are saying, “God in me is.” I AM is the name of God. I AM is the word that we use to release his sacred-fire energy.

And therefore when we say, “I AM a God Flame,” we are saying, “God in me is a God Flame right where I am. I am this radiance of love and I come from the Great Central Sun. I come from the white fire core that is the center of a cosmos and I am descending from the Master of Life, who is God.”

This sense of identity, this sense of origin must be had by all people. We want to know where we came from. When we finally trace our ancestry back to a beginning, we know the lineage of the human descent but our soul longs for something more—and this is the prayer that gives it.

Now we affirm, “I AM charged now with beloved Helios and Vesta's supreme God Consciousness and Solar Awareness.”

We are saying, “God in me is charging me now with Helios and Vesta's awareness of God.” Helios and Vesta are the masculine and feminine polarity of God who hold the flame in the Sun behind the sun in the center of this solar system.

Every solar system, every galaxy has a focalization of the Father-Mother God personified in a son and a daughter who are twin flames and whose consciousness has evolved to that place where they include in their own self-awareness an entire solar system and all of its evolutions.

Thus the ensouling light of our physical sun comes from a consciousness in that point that we call the Sun behind the sun. So in this prayer we meditate upon that Father-Mother God flame that nourishes life in our system of worlds.

The Path of the Spiritual Pilgrim

We say, “Pilgrim upon earth, I AM walking daily the way of the Ascended Masters' Victory.” We see ourselves as the soul on earth, in earth's schoolroom, walking the way of the Ascended Masters' victory.

This is the way of the Christ, the way of the Buddha and the way of the Mother.

This way is a path of initiation. It's part of the great drama, moving from the point of origin, the point of Alpha, to the point of the conclusion, the point of Omega. We traverse those cycles that are necessary for the alchemy of the redemption that must precede the resurrection and then the ascension.

This way “leads to my eternal Freedom by the power of the sacred fire this day and always, continually made manifest in my thoughts, feelings and immediate awareness, transcending and transmuting all the elements of earth within my four lower bodies and freeing me by the power of the sacred fire from those misqualified foci of energy within my being.”

Those who have the mystical awareness of the God within will hear in this prayer an actual formula, a chemical formula, for the translation, or the transmutation, of the elements. And this law that we affirm is active and activated by the flame of God within us by our giving of this prayer.

The confirmation of that law by the Word activates the process of that law within us each day.

This is an interesting point on the science of the spoken Word. The science of the spoken Word activates the alchemy of God, the process of God, within us.

So we affirm, “I AM set free right now from all that binds by and through the currents of the Divine Flame of the sacred fire itself, whose ascending action makes me God in manifestation, God in action, God by direction and God in consciousness!”

When we say, “I AM set free right now from all that binds,” we are saying, “God in me is setting me free.” We're affirming it. We”re invoking it. We”re decreeing it and our fiat is one with the Elohim.

And we're saying, “The sacred fire has an ascending action, making me, right where I am, the manifestation of God, the action of God, the direction of God and the consciousness of God”— fourfold being, right in line with the ancient alchemists who referred to the fourfold nature of man as fire, air, water and earth.

Alchemy is the key whereby we move from the planes of matter to the planes of Spirit. And this prayer is an alchemical formula for the Aquarian-age man and woman. Even children love this prayer.

It continues: “I AM an active Flame! I AM a vital Flame! I AM an eternal Flame! I AM an expanding fire spark from the Great Central Sun drawing to me now every ray of divine energy which I need and which can never be requalified by the human and flooding me with the Light and God-illumination of a thousand suns to take dominion and rule supreme forever everywhere I AM!”—everywhere God is.

Now we have the affirmation of being as fire. As Moses taught us and as we read in Hebrews, “Our God is a consuming fire.” And we see, then, that the qualities of this fire enable us to put on the consciousness of God.

The flame is a magnet. It draws to us every erg of energy that we need to perform our perfect service. In the decree we affirm that because this energy is God's, it cannot be requalified by our human consciousness. We must give that decree because often we are tempted to qualify God's energy with our human will and perhaps even with hatred and with fear and anxiety.

Then we affirm, “Where I AM, there God is also. Unseparated forever I remain, increasing my Light by the smile of his radiance, the fullness of his Love, the omniscience of his Wisdom, and the power of his Life eternal, which automatically raises me on ascension's wings of Victory that shall return me to the Heart of God from whence in Truth I AM come to do God's Will and manifest abundant Life to all!”

Ascension flame at the temple at LuxorWhat is the ascension?

The ascension is the acceleration of consciousness by the ritual of the sacred fire whereby we move from the lesser self to the Greater Self and find ourselves one with God, hence one with eternal life.

The ascension is our destiny.

It is the goal of life and it has been proven by the Ascended Masters who are releasing to us these teachings in this hour.

Prior Chapter: Ritual Drama  |  Next Chapter: I AM Lord's Prayer

Keepers of the Flame - prayer

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