40. Reading The Human Aura

  • Is the aura our contact with other dimensions?
  • What is the source of the aura?
  • What kind of energy depletes the aura?
  • Can psychics or clairvoyants read the aura?
  • What is the meaning of color in the aura?
  • Is intuition the same as reading the aura?
  • Can I learn to read the aura?

Mrs. Prophet, we've been talking about the aura. Can you tell us more about it?

chakra manThe aura is an example of the interdependence of all life, because it is through the aura and the seven chakras that emanations of love, feelings of joy and buoyancy flow and are received and transmitted. Through the aura we all interact with life. We interact with distant galaxies and distant stars, and we have the capacity to give and receive energy.

The concrete forcefield of man, the physical body, is the focal point on which all of this hangs. The physical body, the mental body, the emotional body and the memory body all interpenetrate as four interconnecting sheaths. These sheaths are surrounded by the L-field and T-field we were discussing earlier.

The fact that researchers have postulated the preexistence of those energy fields makes us grapple with questions of theology because we are discovering more and more of man as we discover more of the aura. What is the source of the aura?

We can conclude that our Creator has placed a portion of himself within us, beginning with the threefold flame in the heart. We know that the aura is actually a garment we wear. It is a transmitting and receiving station. It is highly susceptible to the mass consciousness, to emanations from beyond our planet, and even to beings who are beyond our level of consciousness. I often think of the plane in which we live as a thin line in time and space, with a vast cosmos above and below.

This cosmos consists of frequencies that our five senses are not equipped to deal with. Considering this, we can realize that if the aura itself extends beyond this thin black line, then it can be used as an extension of the self into other dimensions—for instance, as a space probe or a time probe or as an energy that actually enables us, while we are tied to this physical frame, to explore many planes of consciousness.

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Is it the aura that accounts for such things as ESP?

Certainly the extrasensory perceptions, perceptions beyond the five senses (and scientists tell us we may have hundreds of senses), must come to us through the emanation of the aura. Many people realize that as our moods change, so our forcefield changes.

We know how we feel when we have had a good night's sleep. The aura is recharged. It is charged with prana and with the emanations of the stars and of the earth currents, and we awake with a certain charge of energy. We also know how we feel when we are depleted.

These are not merely physical conditions. These conditions are based on how much of the energy of God's consciousness we take in and retain. People notice that in prayer or meditation they increase self-awareness and increase the manifestation of the aura and of the chakras.

We notice that children can deplete the aura very quickly when they have a prolonged period of crying or a tantrum or become angry because their needs are not immediately met. At the conclusion, they usually drop off to sleep. They are exhausted because they have expended the energy content of the aura.

We find that certain types of music deplete our auras, while other types of music give us a sense of buoyancy and joy and of contacting realms of light, where we feel imbued by the consciousness of angels and ascended beings.

Reading The Human Aura

The aura is constantly being played upon; and the reading of the aura, as Kuthumi discusses in the Human Aura, is a profound science because there are so many levels and layers of the aura to be reckoned with. Truly it takes a level of adeptship that most people who claim a psychic clairvoyance actually do not have.

This is why Jesus said, “Judge righteous judgment.” An accurate analysis of the aura cannot be made from the surface, just as a doctor cannot produce an analysis of the health of the body by simply looking at the surface.

We may see manifestations in the aura that have to do with the type of environment the individual lives in, the pressures and tensions of life that he is under or the amount of karma that he is carrying that day. But that surface reading may tell us nothing of the deep soul yearnings and of an intense manifestation of light that comes from other lifetimes and incarnations.

It is important to realize that the aura is continually changing, like the blip on a tape-recording machine that registers the levels of one's voice. The aura is a pulsating manifestation. It changes color and actually reflects the colors of frequencies that can be interpreted by the one who reads the aura as qualities of light or of darkness.

What are those colors, Mrs. Prophet?

Each color represents a certain band of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Color is more than color; it is actually vibration. For instance, when we love with purity without desiring to possess, control or manipulate loved ones, there is a pure stream of pink energy that comes forth from the heart and fills the aura.

This is why we say when people are in love that life is “rosy” and that people see through rose-colored glasses. Their auras are so imbued with the pink energy and the pink spectrum that they can only behold life in that love energy. Therefore they are not critical or analytical, but they are buoyed up by their own sense of the presence of God as love.

When love becomes impure because of lust and darkness and carnal manipulation and a misuse of that sacred energy of life, the auras of people become charged with a vibration—hence a color—that is not the pure pink of that rosy-cheeked babe that represents the fullness of our concept of love. The pink will take on perhaps a crimson color of passion or a dark gray and black tone and quality—the deathlike grip of the attempt to control individuals, whether one's children or whomever one is sharing a relationship with.

But because most people are not capable of reading the aura, they are often misled by the words, the sweet words that someone may be speaking, rather than seeing beyond to the motive of the heart and the motive of desire within the subconscious. Because people do not read the aura, they must rely on an inner sense, almost a sixth sense.

Pilate was not able to read the aura of Jesus or he would never have turned him over to the Sanhedrin. He had to rely on the dream of his wife to determine that “this is a good man—leave him alone!” How impoverished we are that we think we have to rely on dreams, astrology, et cetera, when the aura is giving us, as though it were shouting from the housetops, every reading we need.

What can we do in the absence of our ability to read the aura?

Elizabeth Clare ProphetWe can tune in to the soul, because the soul will always tell us the truth if we maintain contact with this center of God consciousness. The soul knows—and will tell us by giving us that immediate first impression about someone—whether a person is right or wrong or rightly or wrongly motivated.

When we listen to the soul speaking within us as an inner voice, we can avoid costly mistakes in business and financial situations as well as in our love life and in our interactions with people. It is important to trust our first impression of someone, because subsequent to it, the individual will become familiar and we will start to incorporate his or her ways, actions and aura into our own. There will no longer be that sharp impact of the initial contact.

So the aura is our best defense, but we need to be still. As Jesus said, “Be still, and know that I am God.” We must be still and know that the I AM within us is the God who will direct us and care for us until we can expand our soul faculties to make full use of the aura, which is our gift from God.

Mrs. Prophet, is there a distinction between that intuitive feeling we get about each other and reading the aura?

Yes, there is a great distinction.

The intuitive feeling acts independently of the ability to read the aura and is a substitute for it. It is just another safety valve that we have—something that we can have without the development of aura reading and aura probing. It is a necessary faculty of self-protection that is built into the human psyche.

The reading of the aura demands years of study, but the very first principle that Kuthumi teaches us is the purification of the faculty of vision. This has to do with the clearing of the third-eye center, the Ajna, at the brow so that we can begin to see as God sees, which is God's basic desire for us.

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