Inner Perspectives

The Law Of Abundance

Episode: 10


    Episode 10: The Law Of Abundance



    • How did Jesus perform his miracles?
    • Can we apply the law of abundance?
    • How does fear and doubt interfere with prosperity?
    • Did Jesus use mantras?
    • How can we use the same principles as Jesus used to make greater progress on our spiritual path?
    • Do you have some specific advice on how one can integrate mantras and decrees with one's daily activities?

    Elizabeth Clare Prophet, would you tell us how Jesus was able to perform miracles such as the coin in the mouth of the fish, the feeding of the five thousand, and numerous healings?

    Elizabeth Clare Prophet on abundanceThe most interesting thing about the life of Jesus is that as you study it you come to realize that his miracles were not miracles at all; they were the outworking of cosmic law. He was the greatest scientist of the age, greater than all scientists who have ever followed him on the path of initiation.

    Jesus was the master of the use of God's energy. He came to demonstrate the mastery of energy. He came to show us how and to set the example. Jesus said, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do.”

    I firmly believe that we have come into the age of the Holy Spirit, the promised Comforter, who Jesus said would remind us of everything that he had taught us and would bring to our remembrance from the Inner Self this science that he had demonstrated.

    The multiplication of the loaves and fishes was Jesus' demonstration of a law of Alpha and Omega and the use of the white-fire core of the atom, the nucleus of the atom. We find that the two fishes and the five loaves symbolize the seven centers, the seven chakras of being, and that the wholeness of that energy in Alpha and Omega was all that was required to make that substance available to one, three, ten, five thousand or more. Jesus could have fed five million from the two fishes and the five loaves!

    Working With The Law Of Abundance

    Abundance is the natural law of life, and Jesus always had the abundance of every good and perfect gift from God. He and his disciples were never wanting and yet they did not live in excess.

    El Morya, in his “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees,” has given us a mantra for our realization of this law of abundance. This is how it goes:

    Supply mantra for abundanceI AM free from fear and doubt,
    Casting want and misery out,
    Knowing now all good supply
    Ever comes from realms on high.

    I AM the hand of God's own fortune
    Flooding forth the treasures of light,
    Now receiving full abundanceTo supply each need of life.

    This is an interesting mantra because immediately we take the name of God, I AM, and affirm that being where we stand—where I AM. And we declare that this I AM is free from fear and doubt. Jesus teaches us that fear and doubt are the basic cause of poverty, the poverty consciousness and of want. We cannot draw forth abundance and supply if we have fear at conscious or subconscious levels.

    When Jesus walked on the water, Peter asked if he could come and be on the water with his master. Jesus said, “Come,” and Peter walked on the water. This transfer of energy came by Peter's attention upon the Christ, his belief on the Christ. As long as Peter had his attention upon Jesus, he was above water. But when he momentarily entered into a vortex of his own fear, he immediately broke the contact and sank beneath the waves. He cried out, “Master, save me!” and Jesus extended his hand and restored the lifeline of energy.

    Jesus' body was filled with light, and that light overcame the natural laws of gravity. This was because of Jesus' own consciousness of perfection. He had the awareness of the inner Master as being perfect but he did not hold that law of perfection as exclusive to himself. He taught that the law he demonstrated was available to everyone. He instructed us: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

    Mantra for Perfection

    In accord with the life of Jesus, El Morya has given to us a mantra for perfection. This mantra is to help us to realize that we can entertain the law of perfection and the energies of perfection that will transform our lives:

    Perfection mantra, I AM affirmationI AM life of God-direction,
    Blaze thy light of truth in me.
    Focus here all God's perfection,
    From all discord set me free.

    Make and keep me anchored ever
    In the justice of thy plan—
    I AM the presence of perfection
    Living the life of God in man!

    You'll notice that “I AM” is used. As I AM is the name of God, when we say that name we are affirming: “I and my Father are one. Where I AM, thou art also.” And right where we are, right where we commune with God, there God is.

    Affirming the Presence of God

    So in our oneness with God we can declare, “I AM THAT I AM.” Whenever we say, “I AM,” we are really saying, “God in me is.”

    If we say, “I AM life of God-direction, blaze thy light of truth in me,” we are saying, “God in me is the life of God-direction.” We not only affirm the presence of that God but we call to that God to “blaze thy light of truth in me.”

    Finally, in the concluding part of the mantra we say, “I AM the presence of perfection, living the life of God in man!” What we are really saying is, “God in me is the presence of perfection.” This is an affirmation, and by cosmic law it must manifest because we have combined it with the name of God, the all-power of a cosmos.

    There is a saying that the call compels the answer. When the call is a statement of cosmic law, the answer must manifest—just as a magnet draws the iron filings in their proper polarity.

    Did Jesus use mantras?

    Jesus used mantras and he taught them to his disciples in the Upper Room, but much of this is not recorded in scripture. We read in the Book of John that if everything that Jesus taught were to be recorded, the world could not contain the books that would be written. So we have to realize that a few short books and a few chapters of the Gospels are by no means the fullness of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    If we learn to use the “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees” properly, can we perform the same “miracles” as Jesus?

    The miracles that manifest in our lives, and that we should be concerned with, are the day-to-day happenings of a greater and greater awareness of God. And this is the goal of decrees—to attain a greater realization of God.

    It is also entirely possible—and it has happened in the lives of the saints and the seers of both East and West—that extraordinary manifestations can occur, such as levitation and the stigmata. Many have come with the gift of healing. Aimee Semple McPherson had that gift, as do many others who have the Holy Spirit today.

    But the world's great mystics have always warned against becoming preoccupied with phenomena, because the goal of the spiritual path is not phenomena but oneness with God.

    Mrs. Prophet, do you have some specific advice on how one can integrate mantras and decrees with one's daily activities, say from the time one rises in the morning?

    The use of mantras is a natural way of life. They don't need to be set aside for a special moment. You can give these mantras in the shower or on the freeway while you are driving to work. They're easily memorized. While you give them, you meditate on the heart. At the same time you can also be performing the necessary preparations of the day.

    Of course, it is always good to set aside ten minutes for concentration, but if you don't have ten minutes, it's important to give the mantras anyway.

    The question right now, then, is what do you do until the doctor comes? In other words, for those who don't already have some printed instruction on decreeing, is there something they can do in the meantime until they get their decree book?

    You can make up your own decrees spontaneously and begin each fiat of light with the name I AM. (Remember, I AM means “God in me is.”) You can get up in the morning and say:

    I AM a son [a daughter] of God!

    I AM full of joy!I AM in the action of love this day!

    I AM going forth to conquer my day!

    I AM filled with abundance and every good and perfect gift!

    And you can just keep on affirming that the God within you—remembering that that God is energy—is going to manifest in everything that you desire to accomplish.

    I think it's important to be spontaneous in these fiats and to begin right now to affirm your life as the victorious manifestation of God.

    Prior Chapter: Commanding God | Next Chapter: Life As A Path Of Initiation

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