Kuan Yin Mantras – Keys to the Heart of a Divine Being

Kuan Yin Mantras – Keys to the Heart of a Divine Being

Mantras to Kuan Yin, or any archangel or ascended master, are short spoken prayers consisting of a repeated word or group of words. Mantras are a science inner engrams of the Word, formulas for the release of God's energy. They are not mere poetry.

A mantra is the bridge over which we pass from the natural to the spiritual order of things.

A mantra to a particular ascended master is inseparable from that master’s vibration.  Thus, mantras are keys to the heart of divine beings.

Kuan Yin Mantras – Spiritual ‘Cures'

There is a set of mantras for thirty-three forms of Kuan Yin venerated as Avalokitesvara in China since the seventh century. The Ascended Lady Master Kuan Yin teaches that her mantras can be invoked as “cures” for a specific condition.

When you read the words of her mantras, take the one that strikes you as being something that can fill a gap in your life, something that can fill in an empty space, a void. As you capture the mantra in your heart, your heart sings the mantra back to you. The mantra itself sings to you so that you hear from your innermost being the pure voice of your soul reciting that mantra. This is the power of God within you.

And by accepting that power, you authorize it to enter your world through your recitation of the mantra. You make that mantra your own until you feel your whole body filled with the light of Kuan Yin.

Kuan Yin's power and virtue are manifest in her ability to bring boundless love and compassion to all sentient beings.

The mantra becomes the key to her allness. It can bring true spiritual healing and transmutation to overcome troublesome habits and resolve personal and planetary problems.

Kuan Yin Mantra Visualization

You can visualize and give the Avalokitesvara Kuan Yin mantra with Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

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