Light to Light, not Dust to Dust

Light to Light, not Dust to Dust

We, as sons of God, were created out of light, not out of clay.

From Dust or Light? Ash or Sacred Fire?

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the holy season of Lent, 46 days before Easter. It comes the day after Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), the last day of the Carnival season.

Historically, this was the day that Judas bargained with the High Priests for the life of Jesus.

Ash Wednesday is celebrated by Catholics who go the altar to have ashes placed upon their forehead as the priest says, ‘Remember, you are mortal.'

It is a Biblical reference to the Genesis creation allegory. Adam was created out of the dust of the earth—dust to dust, ashes to ashes.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Ash Wednesday

The Lord Jesus Christ never instituted Ash Wednesday. It was instituted many centuries later. It has no part with the Passion. It has no part with the one who proved ultimately the victory over death and hell.

And what does mortal mean? It comes from the word death, mort. It means you are bound by the limitations of death, dust to dust.

But we, as sons of God, were created out of light, not out of clay. We came forth from etheric octaves. Our bodies have been lowered into this dimension. When you observe transition—which is not death—you will see the light released from the atoms going back to the Great Central Sun.

We intend to be resurrected in this life, whether physically or not makes little difference. It is the resurrection of the soul for Paul said ‘flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.'

Remember you are immortal. It's not Ash Wednesday, it's sacred fire Wednesday.

Saint Germain on Easter Preparations

“Know, then, beloved, that from now to the hour of the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord is a time for the erasing of sin and the sense of sin, of error and backsliding. It is a time for coming before God with fastings and prayers, offering extraordinary ablutions and the internalization of the Word. Easter is a time for the resurrection of the soul to new awarenesses and heights of glory and for the strengthening once again of the tie to the Holy Christ Self.” Ascended Master Saint Germain, published in the Pearls of Wisdom vol. 38 no. 12, March 12, 1995

Celebrate Lent with a Resurrection Mantra

Beloved Flame of Resurrection

Give this spiritual decree with Elizabeth Clare Prophet:

To play: Click once, and wait for the audio to start.

Beloved Flame of Resurrection,
Blaze through me thy Light always;
Beloved Flame, resuscitation,
Make my heart to sing thy praise.

O blazing white Christ radiance
Of God's own I AM fire,
Expand thy blessed Purity
And free me from all wrong desire.

Beloved Flame of Resurrection,
Rise and rise to Love's great height;
Blessed Flame, regeneration,
Guide all men by thy great Light.

I AM, I AM, I AM thy chalice free
Through whose crystal substance clear
All can see the Christ flame lily
Of eternity appear

Blazing, blazing, blazing!
Blazing, blazing, blazing!
Blazing, blazing, blazing!

(Given 3x)

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