Love Is the Fulfilling of the Law

Love Is the Fulfilling of the Law

This excerpt on love as the fulfillment of the Law is from a lecture Accelerating the Quality of Your Heart given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the Valentine’s Day Seminar 1999, published in the Pearl of Wisdom®, Vol. 42 No. 7

I want to remind you that in 1987 Mighty Victory said to us: “Receive me to your heart. For I, Victory, encapsulate my Electronic Presence to a very small height that I might abide with you as the impetus to the balance of your threefold flame. Just call to me and say, ‘Victory’s impetus is mine this day for Power, Wisdom and Love in balance.’”

So I suggest we take Mighty Victory up on his promise and use that mantra as we work on balancing our threefold flames. Let’s say it now together, three times, with gusto:
Victory’s impetus is mine this day for Power, Wisdom and Love in balance!
Victory’s impetus is mine this day for Power, Wisdom and Love in balance!
Victory’s impetus is mine this day for Power, Wisdom and Love in balance!

I tell you there is nothing more powerful than a balanced threefold flame springing from the white fount of the Divine Mother. What you have to remember is that when the flames of love, wisdom and power are balanced within you, not only do you have the power of the three flames but you also have the exponential power of the three-times-three, which is nine. And the power of the nine is nothing less than invincible. So, as the Maha Chohan said, it all boils down to this: “Without love in the manifestation of the three-times-three,…you will not fulfill your mission.”

The apostle Paul wrote: “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.… Therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law.”

Love is indeed the fulfilling of the law. If we don’t do everything we do with love, our actions have no meaning. They have no promise. They have no healing properties. They have no joy. For love is the great healer, and you can be great healers when you have great love.

When you open your heart, God can step through, and the hosts of the Lord can step through. And through you, they can heal many, many people.

The Arrow of Love

This is not just a platitude. It is an initiation. The great mystics of all time talk about this initiation in terms of the arrow of love. Kahlil Gibran wrote: “When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.”

When Cupid’s arrow comes to you, what do you do? When El Morya or Mother Mary, Gautama Buddha or Kuan Yin comes knocking at the door of your heart, what do you do? When—in the guise of a finicky friend or a complaining child or an ailing parent—one of the Masters comes knocking at the door of your heart, what do you do?

Do you look through the peephole before you decide whether or not you will open the door? Do you say, “Not now, I’m busy. I’m not ready. I’ve got too much happening. Have you tried next door yet?” Or do you fling wide the doors, and let yourself be wounded by the arrows of love?

Only when you open those doors do you stand a chance of finding what you’re really looking for in life which, when you get right down to it, is a love tryst with the divine.

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