Love Is the Password

Love Is the Password

This excerpt on love and Cuzco's prayer to your I AM Presence is from the dictation The Answer to Your Call – Love Is the Key to the Solution of Every Problem published in the 1989 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 32 No. 46 .

Love is the password and the key. Love is the means of passing through walls of light, impervious to those who have not love.

Love is also the key whereby unascended initiates enter my retreat. Love is the key to the solution [of] every problem, love for your Mighty I AM Presence. Stay close to your Mighty I AM Presence and nothing can touch you. The maya may pass by and you may pass through it but this hath not touched you at all. For in the center of your heart you affirm:

O My God, I AM Real!

O my God, I AM real. And thou alone art real where I AM. I AM thy Light that is real. I AM thy Love that is real. I AM thy Life that is real.

O God, thou dost enter my heart moment by moment, drop by drop of light descending over my crystal cord. Therefore [I see that] each drop now enlarged before me on the screen of vision does contain the Divine Image of the Mighty I AM Presence. God does enter my heart. A million times a moment that Divine Image is flashing, flashing, flashing! And I behold thy Love, O God. I behold thy Love.

Come nigh to me, O God. I would come nigh to thee. Enter my heart fully and truly, Divine Image by Divine Image until thou dost approach–thy Presence near, thy voice.

O my God, thou art coming, coming to this temple thou hast wrought. O Mighty I AM Presence, come, be with me; and when the cup of my life is full take me utterly to thy Self.

O my Mighty I AM Presence, I love but thee! I love but thee. I love but thee. Let thy love fires burn within my heart. Let me know that when the heart does not burn, I must pray and pray again to increase that flame of fire of Love.

I AM THAT I AM. No separation is. The Mystical Body of God is One. In the interval of the Sun I know who I AM. I AM Real.

And when this interval and succeeding intervals are done, I step forth from out the center of this Sun once again, treading maya to find the souls caught in delusion, pearls of great price for whom a price has been paid by the Universal Christ.

I have seen Reality. I AM Reality. I can afford to go forth in unreality another round and another round until my God does call me forever to the secret chamber of his heart and I am born anew, an ascended Son of Light.

I therefore go back, go back and back. And with my diver’s suit I plunge into the sea to gather pearls, to protect them, to comfort them, to seal them in thy interval, O God, that is in the secret chamber of my heart where [thy] threefold flame is sealed.

O in that interval, O God, I now have the flame of thy Reality, thy Love. Thy Love that is my portion is my portion to give to those whom thou hast also loved who must know [thee] through my witness.

I AM the witness, O God. I go forth. I go forth.

Send me, O God! For it is my reason for being to gather the pearls until none are left to satisfy the sea monsters and they must die for want of pearls to eat, to devour. I will snatch them from their jaws. I will carry home sacks and bundles of pearls and lay them at thy feet.

O my Father, O my Mother, Alpha and Omega, I AM coming Home.

Thus you will find that this recitation, beloved, (offered by you [at the moment] you desire to take leave of your body to enter the octaves of Light and the place we have prepared for your restoration) does establish the coordinates [of your soul’s meshing] with the Dhyani Buddhas and Kuan Yin, Padma Sambhava and the Vajrasattva whereby you may easily arrive at the place [we have prepared] and once there, easily absorb the grace that is our gift, the gift of Surya and Cuzco.

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