Mother Mary – Our Lady of Guadalupe

Mother Mary – Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Juan Diego Opening the Tilma by Jose de Ibarra, 1743

On December 9, 1531, Mother Mary as Our Lady of Guadalupe, appeared to Juan Diego, as the 57-year-old Indian was running over the hillsides to Mass. Guadalupe is a Castilian word of Arabic origin said to mean “river of light” or “river of love.”

“Juanito” heard a woman calling him from the ruins on Tepeyac hill (former site of a temple to the Aztec Mother-goddess).  There he saw the “noble lady” as a beautiful Mexican girl of about 14.

The Virgin returned to Tepeyac three times, instructing Juan Diego to tell the bishop of her desire to have a church built there on the hill.

On December 12, as a sign to the prelate, Our Lady miraculously imprinted a life-size image of herself on Juan's tilma (cloak).  And to Juan's uncle, she revealed her name as “Santa María de Guadalupe.”

SONG: The Virgin of Guadalupe*

I witnessed the love radiating from Mary!
I stood before the Virgin of Guadalupe!
Oh, how she told me she’d waited so long
For me to see her and take forth my song!

Mother Mary told me to be sure to tell you
The time has come for her to appear to
The eyes of children all of so much worth
Across the face of our dear Mother Earth.

Ave Maria, I love you, too!
Mother Mary told me, “I love you.”

From the holy ground where she appeared to Juan Diego
I take this song to sing, and onward I go
To tell the people she'll be coming soon
Clothed with the Sun, under her feet the moon!

Ave Maria, I love you, too!
Mother Mary told me, “I love you.”

One thing she told me is that her love
Is meant to flow to all under God’s law.
Here’s how to call her and with her you can be
Call Mother Mary to gain your victory:

Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sons and daughters of God,
Now and at the hour of our victory over sin, disease, and death.

Ave Maria, I love you, too!
Mother Mary told me, “I love you.”

*The Virgin of Guadalupe, by Terry Canady (Song 100, Book of Hymns and Songs)

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