Name Of God Is The Password – Science Of The Spoken Word

Name Of God Is The Password – Science Of The Spoken Word

God's Name Is the Password – I AM THAT I AM

When God revealed his name I AM THAT I AM to Moses, he said, "This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."1

The Jerusalem Bible translates that passage as “This is my name for all time; by this name I shall be invoked for all generations to come.”

This tells us that God is directing us to use his name to invoke his intercession. Therefore, according to the teachings of the Ascended Masters, in our decrees we use “I AM THAT I AM” or “I AM” to access God's unlimited power.

I AM is more than a sacred name. It is an empowerment. It is a scientific formula.

Using God's Name in Prayer

When you recite God's name with faith and love, God releases his energy as a stupendous waterfall of light to heal mind and soul and heart.

What does “I AM THAT I AM” mean? To me it means simply but profoundly “as above, so below.” God is affirming, “I am here below that which I AM above.” When you say, “I AM THAT I AM,” you are affirming that God is where you are. In effect, you are saying: As God is in heaven, so God is on earth within me. Right where I stand, God is. I am that ‘I AM.' – Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Where Is God and Why Isn't He Helping Me?

Sometimes we say to ourselves, “Where is God? Why isn't he helping me? Everything is going wrong in my household or in my business.”

Well, try calling to God and literally commanding him:

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, enter my life, O God! I can't do this without you! Send your angels to take command of this situation right now!'

Or you can be more specific and name the specific problem burdening you or a loved one, saying:

In the name of God ‘I AM THAT I AM,' in the name of Jesus Christ and Saint Germain, take command of ______________ .

Simple, quick prayers like this will bring the angels right into your home. Do not be meek when you make these calls. Give them as dynamic commands. The greater the fervor and intensity of your heart, the greater the response from heaven.

Using I AM Affirmations

You can also use the name of God “I AM” to create short, powerful affirmations. They are powerful because every time you say, “I AM…,” you are really saying, “God in me is….”

And whatever you affirm following the words "I AM" will become a reality in your world, for the light of God flowing through you will obey that command.

That is the deeper meaning of the so-called mind-body connection. The state of your body is influenced by what you think—and what you say. Your words are a self-fulfilling prophecy.

When you realize the power of God within you, you have a sense of awe. You say to yourself,”Here is God's energy. What will I do with it today? Will I use God's energy to reinforce the negative side of life? Or will I use it to affirm something beautiful, something real, something that matters to my spiritual progress?”

When you catch yourself saying, “I am tired” or “I am just not good enough,” stop and try redirecting the power of God within you to affirm, “I AM whole” or “I AM the victory of this job.”

1. Exodus 3:14

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