Opening of the Heart

Opening of the Heart

For your heart meditations, the following is a collection of excerpts from dictations where the ascended masters have spoken on “opening of the heart”.

Vol. 20 No. 11 – Lord Lanto – March 13, 1977

“And what is the key to the opening of the heart? Why, you have always known what is that key. That key is love. When you have love, an intense love for life and for God in all, that love is a kindling fire that begins to burn and to burn and to burn until you find that through love, you have magnetized the Saviour and the Spirit and truly the Father/Mother God in the personage of the Elohim.” (Dictated February 6, 1977)

Vol. 21 No. 29 – Gautama Buddha – July 16, 1978

“When mankind reach this extremity and their realization that they are helpless before the powers of this world, then comes the moment of absolute reliance upon God. Then that reliance produces the opening of the heart. And then to the heart chakras step through the veil the Christ Selves, the I AM Presence, the great hosts of the Lord; and as they step through the veil, the energies of the Great Central Sun descend to turn back the tide of the fallen ones. This, my children, is the sequence of the deliverance of the earth; it is when the people know that there is nothing left they can do except to turn to God.” (Dictated May 3, 1977)

Vol. 23 No. 13 – Beloved Cyclopea – March 30, 1980

“The opening of the third eye is not the measure of spiritual attainment, but the opening of the heart.”

Vol. 30 No. 56 – Beloved Jesus Christ – November 25, 1987

“Therefore, the Watch* itself is for the opening of the heart that a door might exist where I might enter and thence release to the earth renewed Light and Presence, beloved, that you might understand that through you I desire – I, Jesus, your brother desire – to increase the Christ consciousness in the earth, that upon this foundation all other Servant-Sons of heaven and heavenly hosts might indeed build the new age, magnetize the little children and devour the Darkness abroad.” (Dictated October 4, 1987)

Vol. 40 No. 52 – Beloved Lanello – December 28, 1997

“Open your heart this day with courage. Open your heart. Let the heart be wounded. Is not the mother's heart wounded, even the Mother of Christ? Let the heart be wounded. Let it know pain. And continue to go deeper and deeper and deeper in the well of your own being.

Do not be afraid, beloved, for the love that you give will be multiplied as you bless the world. I opened my heart, beloved, and I kept it open. Though it may pain you, I say, open your heart and give of yourself to others who need you, who need all that you can give to them. For they are impoverished, they are burdened.

I did not fear this, for I knew that the opening of the heart and the giving of the heart is truly an event that comes when one is nearer and nearer to the heart of Jesus, the heart of Mary. Understand this. Let God make you in his image and likeness, which you were in the Beginning. Let him remold you and remake you in the Ending.” (Dictated December 24, 1996)

* Note: Watch With Me Jesus’ Vigil of the Hours released by Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a worldwide service of prayers, affirmations and hymns. In 1964 the Master called upon Keepers of the Flame to keep this service individually or in groups. The service was dictated by the Ascended Master Jesus Christ for the protection of the Christ consciousness in every son and daughter of God and in commemoration of the vigil the Master kept alone in the Garden of Gethsemane when he said: “Could ye not watch with me one hour?” Available in 44-page booklet and on a 90-min. audio MP3 D87096.

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