Palm Sunday – Christ Is King of All That Is Real

Palm Sunday – Christ Is King of All That Is Real

Christ Is King of All That Is Real
All that I AM, You must Become – The Palm Sunday Message

By Elizabeth Clare Prophet

John records for us the events of this day (Bible, John 12:1-19)

Palm Sunday by DoreOn the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him and cried, Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord!

Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord!

Who is the king of Israel? The one who holds the key to the incarnation of God as Reality where you are. He comes in the name of the Mighty I AM Presence. He comes in the fullness of Sanat Kumara. Blessed is he that comes, this king of Israel—the one who holds the key to Christhood in all of the seed of Sanat Kumara. Therefore he is king, for only Christ is king.

Today we celebrate the victory of that Lord Our Righteousness—your beloved Christ Self, and mine, who holds the key to your incarnation, and mine, of the I AM Presence. And there is a key, and there is a mystery.

The key is given to us in the first and Great Commandment and in the second, which is a corollary to it. But the following of those commandments as Jesus taught requires the turning of the key of the heart in oneness with this Christ. Jesus gave the commandments, the Holy Spirit may preach to us, but nothing changes until we find the key for ourselves, take it, use it, turn it and embody those commandments as we embody Christ.

Do you understand the step from the teaching of the parable, to the mystery of the parable, to your incarnation of the Word? You do not know it when the parable is first given. You do not know it when the mystery is revealed. You only know it when you decide to assimilate it, when you yearn so much that you find the king of Israel. You find the king who is your Christ Self, and you find him by the way of Jesus—by his example, which is “the only Way.”

Do you see that it’s all in the doing and in the becoming? The doing and the becoming is the sign that you know, the sign that I know and that I AM the known in manifestation. This is when you are recognized as a disciple who can become an apostle of God.

They recognized him as king. Now they must enter the path of finding the king within. He would not stay with them long enough to receive the temporal crown, for that was not the point.

“All that I AM, you must become.” This is his Palm Sunday message. Now he enters the greatest drama of the ages and demonstrates the way of every soul’s victory. When he engages all of his strength to outpicture the events of the Passion Week, he will no longer teach by words but by example. You must observe what he does, and, by direct oneness with him (due to a prior love), you must become what he is. You must find the key, for he is the mystery of the incarnate Word.

Let us say together: Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord! Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord! Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord! Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord!

Now say it to your own Christ Self, beloved ones. Say it directly to the Son of God within you:

Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord—my Mighty I AM Presence! Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord—my Mighty I AM Presence! Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord—my Mighty I AM Presence! Hosanna! Blessed is the king of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord—my Mighty I AM Presence!

This is a wonderful teaching because the king of Israel is the one who is king of all that is real about you. He is not king of unreality. He does not reign in the carnal mind or in the karmic condition or in the untransmuted substance. Christ in you is king of all that is real in you. And all that is real in you must enthrone him.

Hold this palm in your hand* as a means of transmitting to your Christ Self this praise and reception. It is an alchemy in your hand and you feel the love from your heart flow through your hand into this palm because it represents the joy and praise of your soul unto him. And upon that love Christ will enter your heart.

* Consecrated palms were distributed to the congregation and held by each devotee throughout the service.

Excerpt from the Pearls of Wisdom vol. 27 no. 24, delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Palm Sunday, April 15, 1984.

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