The Power of Perfect Peace

The Power of Perfect Peace

The Power of Perfect Peace excerpt is from the New Year's dictation by Gautama Buddha given during The Class of the Archangels conference and published in the 1981 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 24 No. 11.

Perfect peace is an armor for the fight. It is a ring-pass-not. O you who are weary of the dumpings of the demons upon your feeling bodies, where there is no rest for the weary—blessed hearts, consign the imperfect ones and their imperfect emanations to the flame.

And make your New Year’s resolution the drawing of the ring-pass-not around the desire body and the whole of being. Make your New Year’s resolution the God-determination not to experience any element of anti-peace.

When messages of gloom and doom, or triumph or tragedy, life or death, are transmitted unto thee—do not allow these to come as injections to change the coloration, the frequency, the vibration of the aura. But simply acknowledge and direct light! light! light! into all activities where those involved have lost the equilibrium of Alpha and Omega and therefore are without peace.

Some of you are thinking that the Lord Christ Jesus came not to send peace but a sword. And I come—and my sword is peace! Thus, together we present East and West. And out of the resolution of the sword of flaming peace and the flaming peace that swallows up the sword, you will understand the active and passive parts of thy being in Spirit and in Matter. Truly the divine complement is one.

Now, blessed hearts, I seal you in the memory of your desire for peace above all other considerations. Do not sell thy peace for paltry gain or some mere pleasure of the human mind or body. Remember there is a higher way and a higher peace. And remember that once I held you in that flame to set the course of Life. And in that hour and in that moment you knew the meaning of readiness for the Lord.

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