The Role of the Freedom Fighter

The Role of the Freedom Fighter

This is an excerpt of a dictation by Saint Germain given October 10, 1994 and published in the Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 37 No. 43.

I come to find my freedom fighters, those who stand for freedom and do not budge from that stance when freedoms are compromised.

Blessed ones, this nation has guaranteed freedoms. See to it that you are not the victims of tyrants, that you do not shy away from their confrontations, that you do not become cowards and say, “Well, what of it? I can do without this or that privilege or freedom or right.”

Well, beloved ones, you cannot do without your rights. For freedom is the very core of the victory. It is the very core of life. It is the very core of the soul rising in the flame of liberation.

Therefore I say to one and all:

Who will come with me as freedom fighters?…

Let us consider championing the right of the individual to know the unadulterated truth of the Path and the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

If you would make this the challenge that you take on and the freedom that you champion, think what you will have to do. You will have to deal with all the negative publicity generated by the press since the Ascended Masters have stepped through the veil through the early Messengers, all the way back to Blavatsky. It has been over a century now that the press has vilified the activities of the Ascended Masters, their Messengers and their students—and not only the press but fanatical religious organizations who are not about to open the way for freedom of religion except it be their own freedom of religion.

Blessed hearts, understand that to champion a freedom you must challenge the encroachments upon that freedom and restore that freedom to its intended use. I say this, beloved, for the violet flame is able. The violet flame is able to consume the assaults against the four sacred freedoms. It is able to consume the mudslinging against those who represent the Great White Brotherhood. At every corner you see the rights of those who stand for truth being challenged.

I say, beloved, speak gently and tenderly and lovingly with an open heart, a loving heart, a compassionate heart—the heart of kindness that is the signet of Lord Maitreya—and speak on those subjects in which you find agreement with another. But come to the place where you are also willing to take a stand as freedom fighters, even as the wondrous saints have gone forth to fight the battles of this century and many past centuries and have laid down their lives for the honor, the freedom and the defense of their nations and their causes.

Understand, beloved, that you do have a cause. And you have deliberated and you have determined to begin to make your contributions to putting the Messenger on satellite. Blessed hearts, decree for it! Decree for the proper niche for these Teachings. Decree for every aspect of the Messenger’s presentation of the Teachings to the world. And remember, each and every one of you is a patriot of Saint Germain, is a freedom fighter and can be one who carries the message and speaks the message by the Holy Spirit.

I am gratified to see the Light expanding, to see its luster reflecting in your skin, on your faces and in your hearts. If those of you who do not have that shining presence would like to have that shining presence, then I say, intensify, intensify, intensify the threefold flame within your hearts! For it is your God-Reality. It is your ultimate personal identity.

When you wonder who you are and which way you ought to go, this way or that, remember that you are the incarnation of the Trinity of God. And in the manifestation of that Trinity, you have identity, you have Power, Wisdom and Love to bring forth whatever is the creative manifestation of your goal.

In this age, beloved, we must absolutely see to it that there is a championing of the rights of all peoples in all nations. It has become a cliché that America should not be the policeman of the world. Well, this idea has some merit but it does not have total merit. And the neglect of Bosnia and Sarajevo is a disgrace, beloved, for these brave people who have taken their stand are yet prevented from being armed by the Western nations who do not allow it. Therefore they are slaughtered day upon day upon day, and the children are wasted and their limbs are torn from them.

These things ought not to be! We have discussed this before in our dictations, yet these people are still not free and they do not have the champions in the West that they ought to have.

Therefore, freedom fighters, come forth! Let us go forth in the etheric octave with the saints and the Archangels and their legions of Light. And let us champion the cause of all those in the earth to defend themselves against tyrants.

We have won this victory in the United States. We must maintain that victory. And we must win it and maintain it in all nations, for freedom of religion and every one of the four sacred freedoms must be guarded. Yet freedom of the press, how abused it is, beloved! The press becomes more and more free, and so the lies are told and retold. And every effort to undo those lies is met with onslaughts of condemnation from those who perpetuate them. There is no point in beating our heads against the wall, as the saying goes, for we know who controls the courtrooms of the world and who controls the media.

Therefore, once again we take our case to higher octaves. And we march with the legions of Light of God Mercury. And we do our novenas and we call to Cyclopea and we demand that the truth be made known. And we call to Justinius, Captain of Seraphic Bands, and all of his seraphim to bring the Lightbearers to the feet of their own Mighty I AM Presence that they might know that I, Saint Germain, have sponsored them for the victory of their ascension in this life.

To get enfired by reading the entire Pearl The Whole World Is Waiting for You! The Role of the Freedom Fighter by Saint Germain, please go to: Vol. 37 No. 43 – Beloved Saint Germain – October 23, 1994.

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