Rosary Novena to the Immaculate Heart

Rosary Novena to the Immaculate Heart

Pray, then for the sons and daughters of God to be in the positions of leadership in this nation.

If but one heart, [heart after heart,] should continue the rosaries unbroken, then you will know the strengthening of the cord through my own Heart to the hearts of those on earth. .

There are many changes happening behind the scenes. There are many things hidden. The political situation in this nation is a cause of great grief to my Heart. Pray, then for the sons and daughters of God to be in the positions of leadership in this nation.

It is a time to clean house, yes, to clean your house and the House of Representatives and the political bodies of the nations. It is a time to demand justice.

I ask for this perpetual novena to my Immaculate Heart to be unbroken at least through the November elections in this nation. For, beloved, if you do not, it is surely, surely an hour of the coming of the Great Darkness as pertains to those who shall lead, make policy, enact laws and legislation.
– Mother Mary, Pearl of Wisdom® Vol. 35 No. 34

Drawing the Presence of Mother Mary with the Rosary

When you utter the words “Hail, Mary, full of grace,” immediately I arc my Presence over you as the Mother Ray. And as you by your devotion fill in more and more of that Light week upon week, blessed hearts, you shall know my strength in your body, you shall know the immortality of the mind and the spirit, you shall know a certain lightness [in order that you might] bear a certain world heaviness, you shall know what it means to be stepping in the sandals of an Archeia, and you shall know that putting on immortality is a certain gradual process that you [ritualize] day by day by day.

Be strengthened in my Presence. Pause to listen to my heart communing with your heart. Pause to tell me, if you can articulate it, what is your sorrow, what is your burden, what is your joy.
– Mother Mary, Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 35 No. 4

Pray the Rosary

From the lecture given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on August 9, 1998, during the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the Summit Lighthouse and Mother Mary’s Ascension Day (Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 41 No. 39).

In response to Mother Mary, I believe it is imperative that we all give a rosary daily. Therefore in honor of Mother Mary’s ascension day and her Fátima message, I ask you to join with us in giving Mother Mary’s Scriptural Rosary for the New Age each day this coming week. We will be giving this rosary here in the Court every evening during our violet-flame vigil.

After this week, I encourage you to continue giving a rosary every day in order to fulfill the Blessed Mother’s request at Fátima. If you cannot give the long rosary, you can choose to give the shorter, 15-minute Child’s Rosary. We have eight long rosaries, …and …a CD of short rosaries that can be used to give your devotions to Mother Mary. What a wonderful opportunity it is to spend even 15 minutes each day speaking to the Blessed Mother and turning over to her your personal burdens and the burdens of the world.”

…Consider the breakup of the Soviet Union and consider the wonderful and most beautiful souls that have come out from Russia to the United States, to this point of contact with us—to this very Court. They are tremendous souls and we are most grateful to have them in our community. And we send that message to you across the waves and to your hearts.

Sign Up for the Rosary Novena

For more about Mother Mary and the Rosary read A New Age Rosary chapter from the book, Inner Perspectives by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

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