Saint Germain: US Constitution Allows Path of Union with God

Saint Germain: US Constitution Allows Path of Union with God

Saint Germain's Plan for the United States

Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote, “It is America’s destiny to be the Comforter Nation, to fulfill the mandate given through the prophet Isaiah: ‘Comfort ye, comfort ye—comfort ye my people, saith your God.'

Constitution, We the people“Our forefathers founded this nation on the principle of the Comforter. The comfort of the unalienable rights to ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness' is the opportunity to walk the path of individual Christhood and to enjoy the fruits of one’s sacred labor in the abundant life.

“America is the place set apart from all nations where God’s people were called to raise up an ensign—a sign. That sign is the sign of the I AM Presence, individual Christhood. It foretells the coming of the standard-bearer.

“America, individual by individual and heart by heart, is sent by God to be the standard-bearer of the path of individual Christhood, bringing that path to the nations of the world, to all who would receive us, even as one of the least of these the brethren of the Lord.

“America is the nation sponsored by the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood who have come because Saint Germain has raised up his standard of freedom on these shores.

“Here, then, in an experiment of freedom we gather. We gather together through the Master/disciple relationship under Jesus Christ and the apostles, Moses and the prophets, Gautama Buddha and the bodhisattvas—all of whom trace their lineage to the Ancient of Days.

“America is destined to bring forth the culture of the Divine Mother that was once on Lemuria and Atlantis and in previous golden-age civilizations. The founding pyramid of her civilization is the path of the soul’s reunion with the Divine Mother.

“The capstone of this pyramid is the highest spiritual teaching of East and West which Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ taught to their disciples.

“But in order for the capstone to be placed on the pyramid, that lost teaching must be regained and embodied heart by heart through The Lord Our Righteousness, whom we address as our beloved Holy Christ Self.

“On this path of the putting on of the garment of the Lord, the sons of God in America must become the living Word if we are to see the sealing of the capstone of this civilization.

“Through the teachings of the “Chart of Your Divine Self” which unfold the path of individual Christhood (the path of the bodhisattva), all discover the foundation and the consummation of America’s destiny.

“Saint Germain teaches that Americans are called upon to champion every man’s right to joint-heirship, with Jesus Christ, of the Presence of the Great I AM.

“Under the Master’s sponsorship Americans have a destiny, a dharma, if you will, to bear the flame of liberty, the four sacred freedoms and the example of representative government and free enterprise to the nations of the world.

“They are sent to teach, working side by side with the people, that those who have the right to govern as ‘God’s overmen' are those who have disciplined themselves before Christ in a sacred labor by which they serve the people and, in the process, balance the threefold flame and transmute personal and planetary karma, thereby earning (by grace) the right to wear the Lord’s mantle (his authority to rule).

“The true representatives of the people in every race and nation are the anointed of God, i.e., ‘the Christed ones,' who have raised up the light of the Ancient of Days within their temples. These anointed have come to America’s shores to fulfill a soul destiny, and they or their descendants must one day return in spirit or in person to their point of origin to deliver the light of the Goddess of Liberty to their people and their nations.

“Without the freedoms we enjoy in America today, protected by law, secured by Divine Right, there is, there can be, no individual path of soul-testing or initiation unto the soul’s union with God.

“Without the freedom to create with God, the entering in to the Word and Work (the Alpha and Omega) of the Lord, there is no living Spirit of America—and by definition, there are no ‘Americans.'”

Excerpted from Pearls of Wisdom vol. 31 no. 9 – Elizabeth Clare Prophet – February 28, 1988

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