Saint Germain at New Year’s 1977

Saint Germain at New Year’s 1977

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, knights and ladies of the flame. My heart is more than joy-filled this night as I come. I come to see this place filled with the golden glow of candlelight that is within your very own heart. Each one of you now will start a cosmic flame of victory, a cosmic flame of freedom. Here now the will to begin has proven unto me that your way is that way of selflessness, surrender – now to win.

I AM the cleansing action of the sacred fire within you that clears the way for the coming of the Holy Spirit. We are watching the vessels of consciousness of Keepers of the Flame as though you were newborn babes in incubators. We watch you with the watchful eye of the Guru, and only when you become Guru will you know how watchful is that eye of the teacher for the student on the path of righteousness. We watch the Keepers of the Flame throughout the earth. And we nourish and we come and we love and we nourish still. You are our children.

And so I come. I come joyously at the behest of the Lords of Karma and the Darjeeling Council and by your own hearts’ calls to dedicate a new year and a new cycle. And so in preparation for my coming and the address that I would give to you this night, I have reviewed that which I have presented to you on previous occasions in the past year and in previous years. And my review has been of the effects of my dictations upon each individual soul, upon those who have heard my word through the messengers and upon those who have felt the emanation and the radiation of the flame of freedom with my coming.

Surrendering Selfishness

And I have gone to the Darjeeling Council and I have conversed with the ascended masters concerning the effect of the flame of freedom and of the teachings of the seventh-ray masters upon the evolutions of earth. And do you know what Mother Mary has told me? She has told me, as I have also seen from the record, that when I have released the chastisement and the rebuke, when I have sent forth my lectures on selfishness and the sloth of the human consciousness, that this has produced the greatest fruit and the greatest reaction – a positive action for good and for righteousness and for a determined stand – not only among Keepers of the Flame, but among the souls who are attuned to the symphony of the violet ray.

I come once again, then, to denude and to place before the denuded self those spirals of selfishness that have stood in the way of the white-fire coil rising for the adornment of the Mother and the Child within you. I come, then, to poke a few holes through your concepts of yourselves that are less than true, views which you have held which have placed you a little farther along the Path than you in actuality are. For sometimes, you see, students think of themselves as more advanced than they are, and sometimes students think of themselves as being far behind all the rest when they in fact are indeed blest with a consciousness of purity and innocence that is truly the joy of the angels.

Let us then first deal with those who think they are a few steps beyond others on the Path. Let us deal with those, then, who perhaps have been with me and my teachings for a longer number of years than others, or some who feel they have had the association with the ascended masters, or others who feel because they are on in years they are thereby superior to others of lesser years’ duration on this earth.

Well, I speak, then, I speak to you. For as you have been told, the scales of selfishness fall daily from the eyes and from the body temple of those who are pursuing a path of liberation. It must ever be so, beloved ones, that the transcending path of soul liberation must bring to view those aspects of selfishness which you did not view yesterday and which you did not view the day before, but which today have become the very mote in the eye, the eye that would behold the closer view of God.

Advancing Sunward

threefold flame in the galaxyAnd so you see, even in the transcending of the self and the moving across the cosmos by the spirals of all-consuming love, there is that aspect of relativity that comes from the coordinate of the self against the backdrop of infinity. And therefore, the sun, as you behold it, shines a little differently on you today than it did yesterday because you are advancing sunward and therefore seeing other veins of consciousness, other flows and manifestations of the angles of the Mind of God.

Therefore understand that today’s level of perfectionment must be more advanced than yesterday’s and less advanced than that of the morrow. This is not the limitation of time and space or past and present and future, but it is the unfoldment by spirals and by spherical consciousness of your own focalization of cosmic consciousness here in that point of awareness, in that very soul identity that is in the state of becoming more and more and more of God.

Therefore understand that even in the consciousness of the messenger there is a constant reevaluation of life and the priorities of life and those energies which may be invested in the various manifestations of service on earth. That which yesterday might have been an innocent pastime or diversion today seems to her to be absolute selfishness and indulgence.

Understand, then, that in the course of evolution, even the ascended masters find ways and means for acceleration and expansion and an intensification of service. For thereby it is the leaven, the leaven of the consciousness of the Christ that works together in the body of God on earth and in heaven to work a mighty work for God, because each day brings us to a more concentrated and hence consecrated level of absorption in the things of the Spirit as those things of the Spirit apply to the here and now in Matter.

Now do you understand what I have said, beloved ones? [“Yes!”] I thank you. For you see, I would make a very specific application to your own life. I am certain that if you have taken to heart all that has transpired in this class that you will surely see that your life as you lived it in the weeks and months before your coming must now change to a newness of life, a new vibration, a new consciousness. For after all, could you stand in the presence of Omri-Tas and Mighty Victory and live again as you lived before? You must of course put on a greater mantle of awareness, of freedom, and of victory and therefore be reborn. And therefore the rebirth does come daily, precious hearts and precious loved ones.

Excerpt from Pearl of Wisdom®, Vol. 20, No. 26 – Beloved Saint Germain – June 26, 1977. Dictation form the 1977 New Year's conference Energy Is God.

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Keepers of the Flame - saint germain

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