Sanat Kumara - Ancient of Days

Sanat Kumara

Sanat Kumara is known in Western scriptures as the Ancient of Days, in Hindu scripture as Karttikeya, and in Buddhism as Brahma Sanam-kumara. He is the Great Guru of the seed of Christ throughout cosmos, hierarch of Venus and one of the seven holy Kumaras (Lords of Flame who represent the seven rays on Venus). He initiates us on the path of intense love, the ruby ray, which he sets forth in his book The Opening of the Seventh Seal.

He has held the hierarchical position of the Lord of the World since the darkest hours of earth’s history when her evolutions fell to the level of cavemen and lost contact with the God flame and the mighty I AM Presence. When the earth was at the point of being dissolved because there was no one who was keeping the flame of the Christ consciousness alive, Sanat Kumara came to earth, a voluntary exile from his planet Venus, to keep the flame until sufficient numbers among mankind would respond and begin once again to maintain the focus on behalf of their brothers and sisters. One hundred and forty-four thousand souls volunteered to assist Sanat Kumara in his mission and accompany him with legions of angels.

Did You Follow Sanat Kumara to Shambhala to Save Earth in Her Dark Hour?

Connect with the Flame of Shambhala

Sanat Kumara lessonsDo you feel like you are on a mission, but lost your marching orders? Or your “team” hasn't shown up yet? That there is more to what is going on in the world than the Shakespearean drama spilled out across the new?

Old souls know. And for all our knowing, we still manage to be merry old souls. Why? Because in our hearts we know, as Wordworth said, “Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting; The Soul that rises with us, our life’s Star, Hath had elsewhere its setting and cometh from afar; Not in entire forgetfulness, And not in utter nakedness, But trailing clouds of glory do we come from God, who is our home…”

Looking for more joy, healing, or connected to your reason for being? Reconnect with your soul's story, who you really are, where you came from and why you are here. The Story of Sanat Kumara may well be your story. Pursue your spiritual reality, and more importantly, find out how to reconnect with your team.

Enjoy the Story of Sanat Kumara

Building Shamballa

Thus, when Sanat Kumara came from Venus to make the earth his temporary home, he was accompanied by a retinue of many great beings of light, including his daughter (the lady master Meta) and three of the seven holy Kumaras. The four hundred who formed the avant-garde were sent ahead to earth to build the magnificent retreat of Shamballa on an island in the Gobi Sea (where the Gobi Desert now is). Alchemists and scientists came also at that time, one hundred forty-four of these focusing the one hundred forty-four flames of the elements. Together they composed a replica of the diamond that is in the Great Hub, a focus of the diamond-shining mind of God.

On the White Island in the Gobi Sea, they built the City of White, patterned after the city of the Kumaras on Venus. Sanat Kumara established the focus of the threefold flame in the retreat at Shamballa, which remained in the physical for many centuries. Sanat Kumara resided in this physical retreat, but he did not take on a physical body such as the bodies we wear today—it was in the Matter universe, yet highly etheric. Later it became expedient for its protection that Shamballa, this wondrous retreat that was in the physical octave, be withdrawn to the etheric octave. The etheric focus remains as an exact replica of what was once the physical retreat. The beautiful azure sea with the White Island in the center is now the Gobi desert.

Sanat Kumara’s mission on Earth

Sanat Kumara anchored a ray of light from his heart as a thread of contact with each one evolving on the planet Earth, nourishing and sustaining that flame and assisting the Holy Christ Self to quicken the Christ consciousness. Without that assistance, mankind en masse would have gone through the second death, and the planet would have been destroyed.

The ancient custom of the Yule log has come down to us from the service rendered by Sanat Kumara who, each year, consecrated a focus of the sacred fire in the physical octaves. It became tradition for the people to come across many miles to take home a piece of the Yule log and to use it to light their fires through the coming twelve-month cycle. Thus, a focus of his physical flame was tangibly manifest in the dwelling places of the people of the earth, enabling them to have actual physical contact with a focus of the Lord of the World in their midst.

Sanat Kumara’s mission was completed on January 1, 1956, when his most capable disciple Gautama Buddha was awarded the position of Lord of the World, having enough momentum to hold the balance for the planet and the focus of the threefold flame. Sanat Kumara then became Regent of the World, and in that capacity he continues to assist earth’s evolutions from his home on Venus.

Until this change in office, Sanat Kumara released tremendous light to the planet each year at the Wesak Festival during the full moon in Taurus. His radiation was anchored through his disciples, Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya and the one who currently holds the office of the Maha Chohan. These three anchored the focus of the threefold flame from the heart of Sanat Kumara on behalf of the Lord of the World. They were the step-down transformers for his intense radiation.

Sanat Kumara in the World’s Religions

Sanat Kumara also figures in several roles in the religious traditions of the East. Each one reveals another facet of his Divine Self. He is revered in Hinduism as one of the four or seven sons of Brahma. They are portrayed as youths who have remained pure. The Sanskrit name Sanat Kumara means “always a youth.” He is the most prominent of the Kumaras.


In Hinduism, Sanat Kumara is sometimes called Skanda, or Karttikeya the son of Shiva and Parvati. Karttikeya is the god of war and commander-in-chief of the divine army of the gods. He was born specifically to slay Táraka, the demon who symbolizes ignorance, or the lower mind. Karttikeya is often depicted holding a spear, representing illumination. He uses the spear to slay ignorance. In Hinduism, stories of war are often used as allegories for the internal struggles of the soul.

Skanda-Karttikeya, as he is sometimes called, is also acclaimed as the god of wisdom and learning. He is said to bestow spiritual powers upon his devotees, especially the power of knowledge. In the Hindu mystic tradition, Karttikeya is known as Guha, which means “cave” or Secret One, because he lives in the cave of your heart. Hindu scriptures also depict Sanat Kumara is the “foremost of sages” and a knower of Brahman.


The ascended masters teach that the supreme God of Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda, is Sanat Kumara. Ahura Mazda means “Wise Lord” or “Lord who bestows intelligence.” He represents the principle of Good and is the guardian of mankind and the opponent of the Evil principle.

Sometime between 1700 and 600 B.C. Zarathustra founded Zoroastrianism in ancient Persia. One morning when he went to fetch water in a river, he beheld a luminous being who led him to Ahura Mazda and five other radiant figures. So great was their light that “he did not see his own shadow upon the earth.” From this group of beings he received his first revelation of a new religion. Shortly afterward, Zarathustra became a spokesman for Ahura Mazda.


After the withdrawal of Shamballa to the etheric octave, Sanat Kumara embodied as Dipamkara, the Lamp-Lighting Buddha. (The Sanskrit word Dipamkara means “kindler of lights” or “the luminous.”) In Buddhist tradition, Dipamkara is a legendary Buddha who lived long, long ago, the first of twenty-four Buddhas who preceded Gautama Buddha. Dipamkara prophesied that the ascetic Sumedha would become the future Buddha Gautama.

Buddhists consider Dipamkara, Gautama Buddha and Lord Maitreya to be the “Buddhas of the three times”—past, present and future. We can understand this to mean that Dipamkara is the past Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha is the present Lord of the World and Maitreya will be the future Lord of the World.


In Buddhism, there is a great god known as Brahma Sanam-kumara. His name also means “forever a youth.” Brahma Sanam-kumara is a being so elevated that he must create an apparition body in order to be seen by the gods of the heaven of the Thirty-Three. Sakka, the ruler of the gods, describes his appearance: “He outshines other devas in radiance and glory, just as a figure made of gold outshines the human figure.”


The prophet Daniel recorded his vision of Sanat Kumara, whom he called “the Ancient of Days.” Daniel writes:

I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels [chakras] as burning fire.

Sanat Kumara is also seen in the Book of Revelation as the one who sits upon the great white throne:

And I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

Lady Master Venus

Sanat Kumara’s twin flame is Lady Master Venus. During his long exile on planet Earth, she remained on their home planet to keep the flame there. Some years after Sanat Kumara’s return in 1956, Lady Venus herself came to earth to assist her evolutions. In a dictation delivered on May 25, 1975, she announced that as Sanat Kumara had kept the flame for earth, now she had come to “tarry for a time on Terra” to “dedicate anew the fires of the Mother.” She said:

I release a fiery momentum of consciousness to arrest all spirals that would take from humanity the fullness of their divinity…. See how mankind respond to the flame of the Mother as they responded to the light of Sanat Kumara.

Return to earth

On July 4, 1977, Sanat Kumara said:

The Cosmic Council and the Lords of Karma have granted and decreed that I might be allowed to tarry on earth, in earth, for certain cycles of manifestation for the absolute return of freedom into the hearts of the lightbearers of earth….

I place my body as a living altar in the midst of the people Israel, and in that body temple is the original blueprint, the [soul] design for every son and daughter of God and the children of God who have come forth. For it is the desire of the Cosmic Virgin that none of her children should be lost, none of her sons and daughters.

And thus I join the Lady Master Venus, who has been tarrying with you these many months; and we together, focusing our twin flames in the Holy City, will stand for the triumph of that community of the Holy Spirit that must be manifest as the key to the release of light in this age.

In a dictation given July 4, 1978, Sanat Kumara told us he was manifesting that night in the physical spectrum “and I am anchoring in this very earth plane the full weight and momentum of my office as the Ancient of Days, such as I have not done since our coming to the Place Prepared at Shamballa.”


The strains of Sanat Kumara’s keynote were captured by Jan Sibelius in Finlandia. So powerful is the release of the flame of freedom through this music, that during the Nazi occupation of Finland in World War II, its playing was forbidden lest it arouse the fervor of the people for freedom.


Keepers of the Flame - sanat kumara

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