The Summit Lighthouse Past Addresses

The Summit Lighthouse Past Addresses

Box 5000, Corwin Springs, MT 59030-5000 and Box 5000, Gardiner, MT 59030-5000

The Post Office did not deliver general mail to the rural street address on Old Yellowstone Trail South. The Post Office Box 5000 in Corwin Springs was effective until the Corwin Springs Post Office was closed. All of the former postal duties were transferred to the Gardiner Post Office. The local phone number was (406) 848-9200. Summit University Press is the publisher for The Summit Lighthouse.

The Summit Lighthouse grew. When the printing operations formerly located in Livingston, Montana, were outsourced, the mailing address was transferred as the South Ranch location became the base of all operations for its international headquarters.

King Arthur's Court, The Inner Retreat
Extensively renovated in 2008, King Arthur's Court is today the central location of seminars, conferences and worship events.
Office Building The Summit Lighthouse Corwin Springs Montana
The international headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse is located in Gardiner, Montana at the doorstep of Yellowstone National Park.
The Inner Retreat, The Summit Lighthouse
Rich in wilderness, wildlife and breathtaking views, the Inner Retreat is the sacred spiritual land of the students of the ascended masters and the Summit Lighthouse. The organization takes seriously its role as just stewards for this holy land.

Box A, Livingston, MT 59047

The street address was 710 East Gallatin St. Livingston, Montana 59047.  The local phone number was (406) 222-8300. Summit University Press is the publisher for The Summit Lighthouse.

While the land in Montana, known as the Inner Retreat or the Royal Teton Ranch, was purchased in 1981, the organization as a whole didn't move until the sale and transfer of the California headquarters in 1986.

Since the printing, shipping and customer service operations were located in Livingston, Montana, books were printed with the address Box A, Livingston, 59047. The majority of the organization's departments lived and worked in Corwin Springs.

Livingston, Montana, is surrounded by three mountain ranges: the Absaroka and Bridger and Crazy mountains.
Livingston Summit Lighthouse Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Livingston is located about 40 miles north of the Royal Teton Ranch, 50 miles from the Northeast Entrance to Yellowstone National Park.
Livingston Summit Lighthouse Elizabeth Clare Prophet
The physical location was on site of the Livingston Railroad Yard, a locomotive repair shop.

Box A, Malibu, CA 90265

Books by Elizabeth Clare Prophet published by Summit University Press from the 1980s used this address. The street address was 26800 Mulholland Highway, Calabasas, CA 91302. The local phone number was (818) 880-5300. In 1986, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the Summit Lighthouse and Summit University Press moved to Montana.

The Camelot property is now part of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. The popular TV reality show, The Biggest Loser, is filmed here.

Box A, Malibu, CA 90265, 26800 Mulholland Highway, Calabasas, CA 91302
This was “Camelot,” deep in the heart of the beautiful Santa Monica Mountains in Southern California.Purchased in 1978 from the former Claretville Seminary, the Summit Lighthouse was headquartered here until the end of 1986.
Box A, Malibu, CA 90265, 26800 Mulholland Highway, Calabasas, CA 91302
The original two-story mansion belonged to King Gillette who commissioned architect Wallace Neff in 1928.
Box A, Malibu, CA 90265, 26800 Mulholland Highway, Calabasas, CA 91302
Entering the front gate, you drive down a little road lined with tall, fragrant eucalyptus trees.
Box A, Malibu, CA 90265, 26800 Mulholland Highway, Calabasas, CA 91302
Around the bend you cross a small white bridge where swans still swim…just as when the Summit Lighthouse called it home.

La Tourelle – Box A, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80901

Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet headquartered The Summit Lighthouse and Summit University Press for ten years (1966 – 1976) in Colorado Springs.

La Tourelle Colorado Springs Summit Lighthouse The international headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse was in Colorado Springs from January 1966 through the summer of 1976.

These were the years of La Tourelle. Mark Prophet spoke about La Tourelle in his book, The Answer You’re Looking for Is Inside of You:

“La Tourelle (French for “turret” or “little tower”), as our home is called, has become the headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse in the United States.

“If you look up at the gutters on the corners of this beautiful four-story brick building, you will see Saint Germain's fleur-de-lis impressed upon the gutters. These fleur-de-lis were put there when the house was built—another sign that the Masters had kept the mansion for The Summit Lighthouse. And so the Masters have directed us to do everything we have done to expand our headquarters and our worldwide movement.

“In the same seemingly miraculous way that Saint Germain secured La Tourelle with, you might say, the snap of his fingers, he can heal the flaws in diamonds or precipitate jewels. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as Saint Germain moved throughout the courts of Europe as “the Wonderman,” he was known to remove the flaws in the jewels of the glitterati and the royalty. The Master can create a sea of cosmic fire around a flawed jewel, melt it into the molten state in the wink of an eye, and then bring it back as a perfected crystal.”

– Mark Prophet, The Answer You’re Looking for Is Inside of You

La Tourelle was named the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral by the ascended lady master Omega, in a dictation given on April 11, 1971.

She announced the erection “upon this place of a magnificent marble temple of Light…a replica of the cathedral in the center of the City Foursquare. She said she had come to “consecrate each atom within the precious stone with the permanence of the resurrection spiral.” Upon the central altar in the center of this etheric temple, she anchored a “permanent focus of the resurrection flame.”

“I, Omega, take the flame from my heart and I light the torch upon the altar of the Temple Beautiful. I say to you, mankind: Unto you this day is given directly from our hearts that flaming spiral which can give you your immortal victory if you will accept it, if you will work diligently and follow the teachings and the laws that have been given unto you. I, Omega, consecrate this flame to the resurrection of the planet earth, to the resurrection of every man, woman, and child evolving thereupon. And I consecrate this flame to the resurrection of elemental life, to their immortal freedom and their immortal identity in the heart of the one flame of the Almighty….

“Those who come and make a pilgrimage to this place with hearts full of love, of hope, who only believe and who are willing to give their all to the Almighty, these, then, shall have the preservation spiral kindled within them to make permanent the God flame within their hearts, to make permanent every cell and atom in their four lower bodies in preparation for the victory of the ascension in the Light. Unto you is given the gift of the flame and a mighty temple.

And upon the scroll of Alpha is written: This place henceforth shall be known as the retreat of the Great White Brotherhood—the Retreat of the Resurrection Spiral….”

Published in the Pearls of Wisdom®, vol. 29 no. 32.

La Tourelle became a community teaching center after the international headquarters was moved to Los Angeles in 1976 at the request of the Ascended Master Jesus Christ.

In November 1984 when the property passed into other hands, the light of the entire retreat and forcefield was withdrawn and held in the etheric octave until the opening of the vast Retreat of the Divine Mother over the Royal Teton Ranch and adjacent park and wilderness lands.

The final ascended master dictation given at La Tourelle was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, April 26, 1981, to the students of Montessori International who were visiting the center during their spring break.

La Tourelle tower in Colorado Springs Summit Lighthouse
La Tourelle tower at The Summit Lighthouse former headquarters in Colorado Springs.
Mark L. Prophet at the altar at La Tourelle
Mark L. Prophet, author with Elizabeth Clare Prophet of Climb the Highest Mountain, the Everlasting Gospel.
Mark L. Prophet, author of Climb the Highest Mountain
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the La Tourelle altar. Mark and Mother, as they were called, were twin flames.

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