Therefore take heart, and realize the meaning of that word. Take the heart of your Mighty I AM Presence and Christ Self and of each one of us so dedicated and become that magnificent heart of Light! Continue Reading

Therefore take heart, and realize the meaning of that word. Take the heart of your Mighty I AM Presence and Christ Self and of each one of us so dedicated and become that magnificent heart of Light! Continue Reading
Mother Mary called for a novena of giving the Rosary leading up to an election. See what else Mother Mary said – and join the novena today! Continue Reading
Experience a guided meditation by Elizabeth Clare Prophet to help you access the light of Spirit, of your I AM Presence, and radiate it through your being. Continue Reading
Whenever you offer a prayer, it is received instantaneously by God and his angels, whose job it is to implement your requests, as long as they are in line with God’s will. Because we may not know what is the highest good in a given situation, we should always ask God to adjust our prayers… Continue Reading
Decrees can help you connect with the energy of your Higher Self to make the changes you want in your life. One reason decrees are so powerful in helping spiritual and personal transformation is that they form a direct link to your Higher Self. Continue Reading
Decrees, fiats and mantras are all meant to be repeated. In the East, people repeat their mantras over and over, even thousands of times a day. But in the West we are not accustomed to the idea of repeating a prayer. People often ask, “Why should I have to ask God for something more than… Continue Reading
Ask yourself what you want to get out of your decrees. Do you have spiritual goals or practical goals? Spiritual goals might include being more loving, drawing closer to your Higher Self or overcoming painful childhood experiences that create problems in your relationships. Practical goals might include finding a new job, getting the money to… Continue Reading
Genesis tells us that God began the process of creation with the spoken Word. He said, “Let there be light,” and the universe began. Is Sound So Powerful? We know it can be a dramatic destructive force—the high-pitched note that shatters a wineglass, the sonic boom that cracks plaster, the gunshot that sets off an… Continue Reading
For centuries, mystics have been telling us that sound actually creates matter. (A mystic is someone who seeks direct contact or union with God.) Hindu, Buddhist and Jewish mystics believe that the Word creates and pervades everything that exists. But, the sound by which all things are created isn’t just any sound. It’s the Word… Continue Reading
Both mystics and scientists have demonstrated the benefits of repetitive prayer. Hindus and Buddhists tell us that repetition allows the mind to focus on God. Repetitive prayer is more prominent in Eastern religion than in Christianity, but it is still an important part of religious life in the West. Protestants sing hymns and offer lengthy… Continue Reading
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