One of the greatest services of the violet transmuting flame lies in the truth that the sacred memory of God’s perfection is held within this violet fire! Continue Reading
One of the greatest services of the violet transmuting flame lies in the truth that the sacred memory of God’s perfection is held within this violet fire! Continue Reading
If for one month you kept a twenty-four-hour vigil to the violet flame, it could change the course of history. Imagine what could happen if we kept a violet flame vigil for beyond one month! Continue Reading
The Violet Flame Challenge is all about support and learning. It is a 30-day program of giving violet flame decrees daily and participants receive a daily email with wisdom from the archangels or masters! Continue Reading
O beloved, the violet flame can work wonders! And above all, it will cushion that which is coming upon the earth. It will place a cushion between you and all those things that have been prophesied. Continue Reading
The chela must recognize that because the violet transmuting flame is a flame of mercy, it ought to stimulate within his consciousness a recognition of the quality of mercy to every part of life. Continue Reading
Keep on invoking the violet flame! For there are souls in the corridors of memory whom you have known long, long ago; and some of these souls are tied to you by love and others by karma… Continue Reading
The violet flame is the most physical flame, and it does correspond to the earth body. Therefore, we set before you the goal of letting all of thy life and thy body, thy temple and thy being become a violet flame sphere. Continue Reading
If you’re willing, we’d like to ask you to submit your own Higher Selfie™ in answer to this statement: What the violet flame means to me. Spread the good news that the violet flame is for everyone! Continue Reading
May you realize that few upon earth know the formula for bringing world transmutation for this planet. Therefore teach the many regarding the violet flame and exercise that flame continuously. Continue Reading
The violet flame is the key to the heart of the Dhyani Buddhas! For upon that violet flame, as you make the transition from the Seventh Ray, you do enter the secret rays and all of their power. Continue Reading
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