Violet Flame – Key to the Heart of the Dhyani Buddhas

Violet Flame – Key to the Heart of the Dhyani Buddhas

This is an excerpt of a dictation by the Dhyani Buddha, Ratnasambhava given Thursday, July 5, 1990 , at the Royal Teton Ranch and published in the Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 33 No. 29.

The violet flame and the giving of violet flame decrees is surely not drudgery, for this is a singing flame. This flame transmutes drudgery. It does not create it. And thus, with the violet flame all around and through you, never neglecting at least a simple [violet flame] mantra in any prayer session, you will see how [your daily work is lightened by your violet flame work and how neither] work is drudgery at all but a continual re-creation in the ritual of the violet flame as it flows from all of your chakras and being and all of your cells, as it sweeps down from your Mighty I AM Presence, lifting the burdens of humanity.

The violet flame is the key to the heart of the Dhyani Buddhas! For upon that violet flame, as you make the transition from the Seventh Ray, you do enter the secret rays and all of their power.

When you are saturated with the violet flame, it is impossible to be without joy, without happiness, without victory, without the sense that nothing and no person, place, condition or thing can ever take from you your victory, your purpose, the keeping of your vows and all things that God desires for you and all things that are lawful for you to desire.

You will find, then, that the Dhyani Buddhas do embody the sweetness of all Buddhas. We are at once in a stage of hoary wisdom and fulfillment and [a stage of] babyhood. Thus, you can visualize us as babes in arm, as wise men, as fathers forever and sons forever and full of the Holy Spirit, whereby we arrive at such a pure and simple, gentle love of the Divine Mother that we cannot be separated from her for a moment–the dreams of all babes and children come true! For nevermore is our hand out of the hand of the Divine Mother.

Thus, this sweetness is contrasted in our innermost being by a momentum of sacred fire so vast that I desire not to give you even a comparison, a co-measurement of it. For I would not have you visualize us in such extents of the expansiveness of our auras or of the concentration of Light that we bear.

But I will give you this one clue and secret, which you may surely apply: when you seal your cloud of infinite energy, which you invoke for the sealing of this Sangha so precious to the Lord [Gautama], remember to name the Five Dhyani Buddhas and ask us to seal your cloud with our great power, sufficient to the consuming of all evil and evil intent directed against the Light of every son of God on this planet and throughout the entire Matter cosmos. And the Great Law will allow us to do it and we shall.

But inasmuch as that Light, beloved, must be anchored in the physical octave through you, we will release it only through those who have proved again and again that they can hold God-Harmony in any circumstance. We give you this promise, I the spokesman for each one of us, that you might find a very real, a very compelling reason to at last make your vows to God-Harmony:

I shall not be moved from my seat of God-Harmony.
I shall not be provoked.
I shall not be tricked.
I shall not be trapped.
I shall not be manipulated to move from my seat of God-Harmony!

O ye who are the blessed, O ye who are the blessed, O ye who are the blessed throughout the earth, may you know that as your love of God-Harmony increases and you are one with that great being Harmony, you are also one in the Divine Mother, one in the inner sound of cosmic music.

To read the entire Pearl on the tests and benefits of the keeping the flame of harmony, please go to: Vol. 33 No. 29 – Beloved Ratnasambhava – July 29, 1990.

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