True Story – A Quick Fiat Works

True Story – A Quick Fiat Works

Davies, a retired electronics engineer, began decreeing when he belonged to the “I AM” religious activity in the 1930s. He used this principle while returning from a spiritual conference in Los Angeles, where he had given many hours of decrees.

He was sixteen years old and was riding in a car with his mother, brother and two friends.

His mother started pulling the car over onto the shoulder of the road, but the shoulder was soft and couldn't support the car. She lost control and the car flew into the air.

Immediately, Davies said the name of Jesus, which he had learned to give as a powerful fiat to invoke protection: “Jesus Christ!”

While some people might have said those words with a different meaning, he used them as a passkey to access his reservoir of light.

The next thing he knew, the car had come to a halt upright. No one was seriously injured, although the car was totaled.

Davies believes that the response to his fiat was so powerful and immediate because he tapped into the reservoir of light he had stocked during the conference. At age seventy-three, he still decrees.

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