Victory of the Sons of God

Victory of the Sons of God

As a follow-up to the “Feel the Victory! Be the Victory! Freedom 2017 conference, we bring you this excerpt from the 1984 dictation by Mighty Victory The Victory of the Sons of God published in the Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 27 No. 50b – a Pearl that can only improve your day!

Beloved hearts of Light, I tell you Victory is a spirit! It is a determination! It is the launching of God-Good within you. It is a drive that will not be set back. It is that intent of the forehead of the Aries Mind of God that does move against the enemy by the very power of Victory in the third eye, Victory in the crown, Victory in the heart, Victory in all the body temple, Victory shimmering as a garment of light that will not be stayed, will not be set back!

This power of Victory must be yours. And therefore Victory as a golden illumination overcomes all indecision, all confusion, all absence of right action. It is the power of determination and it is the wisdom that does precede right action.

And therefore, in the meditation of the heart and in the musings of your soul upon the Lord God Almighty you understand, beloved creatures of the Most High God—and I call you the “creation magnificent”—that it is the ongoing presence of this momentum of Victory that claims the Victory every hour and every moment, that does not allow defeat and therefore does not allow you to become prey to any force passive or aggressive that would otherwise set itself against you, from a fly to a mosquito to a demon to a remark that is not called for or anything that comes in your way.

Beloved ones of Light, understand the thrust of Victory! Understand the ribbons of Glory! Understand the power of the sons and daughters of God in the earth and be no more those who are defeated, those who are the cynics, those who are the ones who go down in defeat at the least little crisis in their lives. Be the ones who have the sense of Victory, who know no defeat, who will not even identify any defeat anywhere, anytime; for they are the living presence of our God!

And as you are in the earth, as I AM in the heaven, beloved hearts, so I swear to you in the name of Almighty God as I bow to him in this hour that the presence of Victory that is in the Great Central Sun can also be yours in your hearts in this very moment! And you can walk the earth in the power of the Great Central Sun Magnet and in the power of Victory! And Victory can consume all selfishness. Victory can consume all indeterminate acts and all inaction.

Beloved ones of the Most High God, Victory is the power of love! Victory is the power of God’s power itself and the will to do and be! Victory is the absolute presence of the Lord our God with you for the overcoming of every single splinter of error on this planetary body and the astral plane!

And I tell you, when I deliver this message in all worlds the entire false hierarchy trembles, for they know that they cannot stand against the living flame of Victory. For it is the crown of rejoicing, and it is the bedrock and foundation of all of your service and all of your life. And they know that if you take this message from my heart and receive it by the Holy Ghost whereby it is given, that you will nevermore be subject to their preying upon you. And you will be God-victorious! And they will be swallowed up by the Light and they shall be no more! And Death and Hell shall be cast into the lake of fire!

And it shall be because you have taken to heart my [message] and understood that I come here with the full God-determination that I mean business, that I will have the Lord’s work on earth and I will have it in you, and that our legions of Victory will stand by you and will coach you and will coax you and will move you toward the God-Victory that is called for, that must be in the face of all of the complications of the tyrants and their woes and their planetary conspiracies and all that you have heard about for so long. I say they have no power in the face of one little child who knows that he is God’s Victory in action.

All of Mighty Victory's Dictations in Print!

Now, for the first time, all Mighty Victory's dictations are available in The Mandate of Victory. This book may well be that fulcrum point that launches you into a victory momentum that changes the planet forever!

Own your very own copy today here: The Mandate of Victory

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