Becoming God: The Path of the Christian Mystic Part 2

Becoming God: The Path of the Christian Mystic Part 2

By Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Excerpted from the full 4.5 hour lecture available on DVD, $24.95 #DVG10004, and Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s book Becoming God: The Path of the Christian Mystic.

Available online at Amazon, eBook for the Kindle edition ebook

Becoming God: The Path of the Christian Mystic – Part 2 Transcript

Today I will explore with you the world of the Christian mystics. The mystics are those who seek a direct experience of the Presence of God.  They yearn to know God, to see God and to be one with God—now.

There have always been mystics.  And they have always plumbed the depths and scaled the heights of the soul's potential.  The mystics are psychologists—students of the soul intent on their spiritual quest.  Their lives and teachings are a road map that leads scientifically to the summit of being.  Thomas Merton wrote:  “The spiritual anguish of man has no cure but mysticism.”

Mysticism is not exclusive to Christianity.  It is the vital, animating element at the heart of every religion.  The aspiration of every mystic is one and the same:  union with God.  He does not postpone it—because he cannot.

The sixteenth-century saint and mystic, Teresa of Avila, wrote in her autobiography:  “I am oblivious of everything in that anxious longing to see God.  That desert and solitude seem to the soul better than all the companionship of the world.”

Those who long to know and see God are tapping into the soul's ever-present knowledge of the Higher Self and the higher calling. Although the outer mind may not have a clue, our soul knows at subconscious levels that she is meant to be reunited with her LORD.  Lifetime after lifetime this soul-knowledge has impelled us to the feet of our teachers, some true, some false.  We have drunk from the communion cups of the world's religions and we have savored something of the essence, the LORD's essence from each one.

God releases new religions in order to give his children a new awareness of himself.  We cannot assimilate God all at once.  Just as we don't eat the food of a lifetime in a day but portion by portion, so we assimilate God crumb by crumb.

There are specific periods of time, called ages, in which a civilization, a continent or an entire planet is destined to assimilate  a certain attribute of God.  The opening of these epochs is accompanied by the birth of an avatar, a God-man, who embodies the Word as it applies to the dispensation he inaugurates.

The length of an age is approximately 2,150 years.  It is based on the precession of the equinoxes, the slow backward rotation of the earth around its polar axis during which the point of the spring equinox recedes through the signs of the zodiac.  The equinox point  takes about 2,150 years to go through 30 degrees of the zodiac, or one astrological sign.

So, about 4,000 years ago we entered the age of Aries. About 2,000 years ago we entered the age of Pisces.  And today we are entering  the age of Aquarius.  Each 2,150-year period marks a dispensation of light from the Great Central Sun that gives to earth's evolutions a new awareness of God's Presence.

This video is an excerpt of a 3-DVD set, Becoming God: Path of the Christian Mystic, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 4.5 hours, $24.95 #DVG10004

Available in paperback Becoming God: The Path of the Christian Mystic at Amazon or the Kindle edition eBook

Barnes & Noble paperback and Nook ebook

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