Life Begets Life – The Continuity of the Soul Part 2

Life Begets Life – The Continuity of the Soul Part 2

With Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Here is the transcript of this YouTube video “Life Begets Life – Part 2.” It is a preview of the DVD* Life Begets Life – The Continuity of the Soul album 2, a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 2 hours.

So the spirit is also infused into the physical body as the very blood cells are being formed. The spirit or essence is always in the blood of the individual as well as in the entire body itself.

The etheric body contains the record of your divine plan, the image of the Christ in whose image you were made. The etheric body contains the memories and records of all that you have ever done in previous lifetimes.

We know that our memory in this life defines our identity. Removed from the screen and from the memory bank of the computer, all memories of everything we have ever done before this moment, and not one of us would know who we are. We are who we are by memory.

But the memory we contain and the momentums in that memory contain all of the experiences that we have ever had since we first came forth from the heart of God—that memory is with the soul integrating with the physical body in this nine-month period.

Likewise the mental body is the accumulation of the cognitive and reasoning mind, the rational thinking self. All that we have ever thought and reasoned and become because of our thoughts and reasonings we bring with us in our mental body. It is there from the moment of conception.

Through the entire process of gestation, this mind is meshing with the new physical body.

It is part of the identity being formed and the identity that already is, for the child's psychology is molded while he is in the womb by his parents' psychology. And that becomes part of the psychology that he brings with him from past lifetimes.

What we need to understand is the selective process by Almighty God, by the Mind of Christ, of the genetic code that will be ours for this lifetime. Through that genetic code and those genes, we are expressing a portion of the vast memory, mental and desire bank that we bring with us.

A slice of our life will become prominent in this incarnation, for our life is infinite. And this finite time-and-space world, this finite body cannot contain the totality of our being.

Therefore you see the great Causal Body of yourself in the Chart behind me and you see those spheres of Light that contain all good, all that is of high vibration, all that is constructive that you have ever done in all of your previous lifetimes.

For the purposes of your divine plan and your karma in this life, you can access a portion of that Causal Body to accomplish certain things that are your assignment for this life.

And so, just as you bring your memory and your mind with you, you bring your desires and your desire body.

We have fulfilled and unfulfilled desires from previous lifetimes. We will have to deal with these; we will have to sort them out. We will have to admit the limits of our mortality, three score and ten.

Which desires shall we fulfill in this lifetime? This we will learn to do under the guidance of teachers, parents and our own communion with our own inner God.

So we have to look at what we want to accomplish in life. We have to look at our unfulfilled goals.

And we have to see, for instance, if there has been a sudden cutting-off in the very midst of the very prime of life of those things that we wanted to accomplish, maybe by untimely death or a violent crime.

We may desire to come back and pick up the pieces as soon as possible, to be reunited with loved ones, to fulfill what we began.

Many of us are here today because we have unfinished business.

I feel that I have unfinished business. I have many things I want to do. And one of the most important things I want to do is to tell you and the world today about the soul in the womb and the tremendous opportunity to fulfill that fiery destiny that God has ordained for each one of us.

Life Begets Life 2 The Continuity of the Soul

DVD “Life Begets Life – The Continuity of the Soul album 2″

When we abort life in the womb we are aborting the opportunity of a soul whose timetable has come to be on earth at that precise astrological moment. The timetables of the conception and birth of every child are directed by Almighty God, by the archangels and cosmic beings of light and the specific ascended masters who are the sponsors of that soul, the Godparents, if you will. These timetables are part of God's grand design of life.—Elizabeth Clare Prophet, March 30, 1991

Learn about:

•  Erroneous beliefs regarding abortion
•  The abortion of the divine plan of a soul
•  The worthiness of life, regardless of how challenging it might be
•  Glimpses into the spiritual life of the unborn and the continuity of the soul
•  The abortion of millions of American children since 1973 and the compromise of Earth's divine plan
•  And much more

1 DVD, #DV11005, 2 hours 9 minutes.  Recommended for Keepers of the Flame®

BUY Life Begets Life – The Continuity of the Soul album 2, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Keepers of the Flame - Life Begets Life

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