Violet Flame at the Nexus of the Hourglass

Violet Flame at the Nexus of the Hourglass

You don't know how lucky we are to be alive at this moment. Right now at the narrowing of that hour glass is where we stand. You can let your past sins pour over you and do nothing about it or you can take Saint Germain's challenge and transmute your karma.

Doesn't it seem like everyone and every situation is receiving more karma than ever before. It doesn't have to be that way. If enough people do the violet flame then things will turn around. Burdens turn to joy. Desperate circumstances become opportunities. Fellow students on the Path, believe it when Saint Germain says, you have found “the alchemist dream in this violet fire.”

Are you ready to be that mystical alchemist?

Set a New Pace Accelerated by the Violet Flame

So, beloved ones, there is great good accomplished. And we come to set a new pace accelerated by the violet flame. Thus a half hour to the violet flame in invocation three times a day will result in—you know what?  A holding of the balance for the earth and your own balance of personal karma.

Some of you have come to me for many years in wonder and consternation that you make not further progress on the Path. And somehow you have overlooked the universal solvent of the violet flame.

You have found, then, the alchemist’s dream in this violet fire. Use it. Use it as the Elohim themselves scheme to bring forth the perfect man and the Manchild. Use the violet flame to go beyond yourself, to exceed yourself. It is the law of self-transcendence. See what it can do.

Beloved hearts, never, never do we desire to hear it spoken in this community, “It might have been.”  What might have been is that which is past and cannot be recalled. Therefore let us dwell on what is. And let us visualize the violet flame at the nexus of the hourglass. And therefore it transmutes time and Father Time and the cycles of time running out. It transmutes space. And at that point of the nexus, the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife, every chela of Sanat Kumara, realize the precipitation of infinity.

Increasing of Your Days with Joy

Thus there is expansion of opportunity which means expansion of cycles which means transcending of time and space so that you are no longer bound by laws of mortality or limitation and therefore can, in the given life-span, accomplish all that you desire, all that the law requires. And this expansion of your days, this increasing of your days with joy has to do with the capacity of atoms, cells, and electrons and chakras and forcefields in your being that you know not of—the increase of the capacity to hold light.

It is ever our desire that you should come into a scientific understanding of how to increase that capacity. Let us begin with a visualization of the violet flame at the nexus. For Morya has said, “Time is not. Space is no more.”  Thus in this sense of infinity, you have indeed eternal Life here and now.

Keepers of the Flame and blessed ones of my heart, seize this flame of eternal Life! In joy let it be manifest in all the worlds, in all the systems, and unto the sun of even pressure.

The violet flame visualization by Saint Germain is taken from his dictation On the Occasion of the Feast of the Holy Trinity published in the 1980 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 23 No. 32 .

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