Violet Flame Mantra & Your Ascension

Violet Flame Mantra & Your Ascension

Prince Oromasis of the Fire Element, on using the violet flame for holding the balance for Earth's evolutions with the Four Cosmic Forces.

A Fiat for the Ascension: Violet Fire Morning, Noon, and Night

chakra man in Violet Flame…This is the purpose of the sacred fire—to free you, to transmute in you that which hinders, that which is discordant, that which is actually holding you back from entering into your God-freedom.

Now, when you have a God-determination—such as an angelic being has—that nothing, no nothing, shall interfere with your eternal progress, you will be able to take ahold of our hands with the same tenacity with which we take ahold of yours. And you will say to us with all the fervor and fire of your being:

“I also am a cosmic being. I AM a being of the sacred fire. I AM here by the grace of God. I AM and have intelligence and knowledge and wisdom by the power of Almighty God in order that I might produce perfection!”

And when you have determined that you are going to produce perfection, you will release the sacred fire through your being in the same manner that the filament of an electric light bulb releases the radiance of light because of the flow of the current through the bulb. And at that precise moment, you will be God-illumined and every ounce of dross will be consumed from your world.

Beloved ones, in the name of God-purity, why would any individual desire to retain the vestiges of age, the remnants of decay, and that which is not of eternal purity?

Some may say, “As a cosmic being, you cannot understand how we are engulfed at times in human effluvia.” This may be true, beloved ones. But those who were among you, beloved Saint Germain and beloved Morya, have toiled up a rugged road, I tell you, and they were able to enter into their eternal freedom.

This is the message which they have told me they would like to convey to you this evening:

That each one of you who will determine to do so with all the love of your heart, and will hold fast to their hands, and invoke the violet fire every day of your lives—morning, noon, and night—and then will call to me, Prince Oromasis, you shall surely, if you maintain love for God unlimited and love for man unlimited, enter into your ascension at the close of this embodiment.

Do you realize the meaning of my words? This is an eternal fiat of the heavenly host: that all who shall have faith enough in God, in the word of a cosmic being, to accept that radiance and that God truth, and shall not fail one single day of their lives from this day forward, morning, noon, and night, to intensely call for the violet transmuting flame, who shall every day of their lives take some time to pour out adoration to their God Presence with every ounce of their energy, and who shall also give their love to all of mankind—these shall make their ascension at the close of this embodiment because the call will have compelled the answer….

Use the following fiat of Oromasis to fulfill his request to “call to me,” after you give your invocations to the violet fire—morning, noon, and night:

The Living Flame of Cosmic Freedom

By Prince Oromasis

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, beloved Helios and Vesta, Saint Germain and Lord Zadkiel, beloved Prince Oromasis and Diana, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! I decree:

I AM the immortal flame of cosmic freedom

I demand that all of my energies in outer concentration submit to the great God flame within my heart

I demand that all outer conditions come within effective God-control

I demand that all that is not of the Light be transmuted and changed and that I be the fullness of all that which I already am, for

I AM the full perfection of God

I AM the living flame of cosmic freedom

I AM the buoyant, dancing joy of God that passes through my entire four lower bodies and descends from the heart of my Presence to give me my freedom now

I AM the raising power of the Spirit of light and fire which lifts me to the victory of my ascension and is the full-gathered momentum of victory of the saints and ascended beings of all ages to ascend back to the very heart of God and the immortal consciousness thereof. So help me, God!*

And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! Beloved I AM, beloved I AM, beloved I AM!

*Repeat the body of this fiat three or nine times or more as it suits you and then give the ending.

Excerpted from The Science of the Spoken Word Chapter 19

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