Violet Flame Clears Flow of Energy – #9

Violet Flame Clears Flow of Energy – #9

Names of God Series Part 9

“The violet flame can literally consume the debris around our chakras. Using the violet flame is like soaking your chakras in a chemical solution that dissolves, layer by layer, the negative karmic substance that has been trapped there for perhaps thousands of years.”
Violet Flame From Kabbalah: Key to Your Inner Power, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet:

Kabbalah, Tree of Life, Summit LighthouseThe second step in preparing to recite the names of God is to purify your chakras. Your chakras are the spiritual centers located along your spinal column. They are invisible to the physical eye, yet your very life and spiritual progress depend on their vitality. The chakras are centers for receiving and distributing the energy of God that flows to and from you each day.

Unfortunately, our negative interactions with one another throughout this life and our past lives have caused karmic debris to accumulate around our chakras. The buildup of misqualified energy around our chakras can blunt the effectiveness of our prayers. If our chakras are clogged, the light of Ein Sof we invoke in our prayers will become tainted as it flows through us. As the light passes through, it then takes on our negatives.

This is why it is so important to clear our chakras and the passageways that connect them before we invoke the names of God.  The violet flame creates an action of transmutation. To transmute is to alter in form, appearance or nature, especially to change something into a higher form.

violet flame and seven chakrasThe violet flame can literally consume the debris around our chakras. Using the violet flame is like soaking your chakras in a chemical solution that dissolves, layer by layer, the negative karmic substance that has been trapped there for perhaps thousands of years.

When we diligently invoke it through heartfelt prayer, the violet flame consumes the “gross” elements of our negative karma and activates the “subtle,” spiritual part of us that is native to our soul.  When properly applied, the violet flame clears the channels of the chakras so there is a pure flow of Ein Sof's energy through the sefirot to our physical and spiritual bodies.

Experience the violet flame through Elizabeth Clare Prophet's teaching on How to Use the Violet Flame Daily.

The above article is excerpted from Kabbalah: Key to Your Inner Power by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

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