Violet Flame: Origins and Nature

Violet Flame: Origins and Nature

The violet flame is the key to individual and world transmutation. It works in microcosmic and macrocosmic worlds, from the smallest particle of matter to molecule to mind to materialization in man and mundane circles.

El Morya on the Origin and Nature of the Violet Flame

The violet flame comes forth from the violet ray, that aspect of the white light that is called the seventh ray. It is indeed the seventh-ray aspect of the Holy Spirit.  Just as the sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the rainbow of the seven color rays, so through the consciousness of the Holy Spirit the light of the Christ is refracted for mankind's use in the planes of Matter.

Each of the seven rays is a concentrated, activating force of the light of God having a specific color and frequency. Each ray can also manifest as a flame of the same color and vibration. The application of the flame results in a specific action of the Christ in body and soul, mind and heart.

Your Real Self, the I AM Presence and violet flameHow does a ray become a flame, and specifically how does the violet ray become the violet flame?

When you invoke the violet flame, it comes forth from the heart of your I AM Presence as a ray of light that is violet in color. That ray descends like a powerful sunbeam from its source in the Great Central Sun to what is called the plane of invocation. Wherever you may be in the universe, in whatever socket of consciousness you find yourself, the level from which you invoke the light of God is defined as the plane of invocation.

An invocation is a call to light that is transmitted from your heart to the heart of God instantaneously. The response comes forth on the return current.  When the violet ray descends from your I AM Presence to the plane of invocation, a violet flame springs up.

Simply put, the flame is an intensification of a light ray that has been stepped up by the fervor of your heart's call and the zeal of the Lord's response.  The phenomenon brings to mind the physical counterpart: a ray of light from the sun passed through a magnifying glass causing an object to burst into flame.

Hydrogen atom bathed in purifying lightWhen you invoke the violet flame for the healing of a specific problem, this is how it works. It envelops each atom of your being individually. Instantaneously a polarity is set up between the nucleus of the atom (which, being Matter, assumes the negative pole) and the white-fire core of the flame (which, being Spirit, assumes the positive pole).

The dual action of the light in the nucleus of the atom and the light in the enveloping violet flame establishes an oscillation that causes the untransmuted densities to be dislodged from between the electrons.  As this substance is loosened, at non-physical, or “meta-physical,” dimensions of matter the electrons begin to vibrate with an increased amount of energy, throwing the misqualified substance into the violet flame.

On contact with this fiery essence of freedom's flame, the misqualified energy is transmuted and God's energy is restored to its native purity.  Relieved of the patterns of imperfection and restored to the plus-minus balance of Alpha and Omega, this energy of the Holy Spirit is returned to the individual's Causal Body, where it is stored until he elects to use it once again to bring forth the noble work of the Christ “on earth as it is in heaven.”

This alchemy takes place on the material plane though not necessarily in the objective “physical” plane; for every atom of substance has its counterpart in the astral, mental and etheric compartments of the matter universe as well as in the spiritual octaves of light.

Excerpt from The Chela and the Path by El Morya.

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