What Happens When We Die? – Online Radio

What Happens When We Die? – Online Radio

Death is not the end!

What Really Happens When We Die?

Pearly gates. A white light in the distance. Loved ones gathering in welcome. Angels surrounding us and guiding us onward. Oblivion.

What really happens when we die? Where do we go? Who do we meet? How aware are we of our situation and surroundings?

These questions have fascinated mankind since the beginning of the human experience. We all die, yet we know very little about what comes next. Unless you study the ascended masters teachings, that is!

When we lay down our coat of skins and travel in our finer soul body to the etheric realms, there are many things the masters tell us to expect.

First and foremost, it is not really the end of life at all, but the beginning of a new life apart from the body. And each soul’s experience after death may be different, depending upon the choices they have made in that lifetime. There may be a period of rest for some. For others, study to prepare for the next incarnation…or to take the final steps to the Ascension!

In a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet entitled “What Happens When We Die?” she said this:

When a soul passes through the veil of death, it is not really the end of life, but the beginning of a new life apart from the body. Each soul’s experience after death may be different, depending on the circumstances of their death and the choices they have made in that lifetime.

After the soul has left the body, the angels may come in response to the prayers and requests of those in embodiment to take that soul to another plane of existence, which some people think of as ‘heaven.’

Angels are there
To bring comfort and care

Angels wrap the soul in swaddling garments of light as that one is borne to homes of light in the heaven world.

If the death was traumatic or untimely, the soul may be comforted by heavenly helpers. This is particularly true for children. Sometimes they sleep for a time in a lovely room, with plants and soft light and music that bathes the soul in the love of heaven.

When ready to awaken, they are gently roused by angelic helpers and taken to schoolrooms where they can be instructed by angelic beings and masters of light.

Preparing for next steps

Yes, there are schools and centers of learning in the heaven-world. In these schools, souls learn about the forces that came to bear on their life.

They study the circumstances of life and family and the effect of that life on loved ones and the world. They are shown the tests they were intended to pass in that life.

All of this in preparation for the next step, the next assignment in the evolution of the soul.

Tune in August 5 for What Happens When We Die?” on The Open Door, Ascended Master Online Radio Programs LIVE every Tuesday at Noon, MT

All shows archived on The Open Door page and on iTunes for anytime anywhere listening!


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