Use the Science of the Spoken Word Visualizations to Complement Your Spiritual Practice
These spiritual videos, along with many others, are available on The Summit Lighthouse YouTube channel.
Affirmations for Abundance: Keys to Spiritual Prosperity: With teaching (4:55 minutes)
In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence
and Holy Christ Self, I AM success!
Mantra for Healing Personal and National Economies
(6:12 minutes)
I AM, I AM, I AM the resurrection and the life of my finances and the U.S. economy now made manifest in my hands and use today!
How to Use the Violet Flame Daily: Teaching with mantra (4:21 minutes)
I AM a being of violet fire. I AM the purity God desires
Violet Flame for Families (2:34 minutes)
I AM the violet flame
In action in me now
I AM the violet flame
To light alone I bow
I AM the violet flame
In mighty cosmic power
I AM the light of God
Shining every hour
I AM the violet flame
Blazing like a sun
I AM God’s sacred power
Freeing every one!
Thirty-Three Manifestations of Kuan Yin – Mantra #15: With teaching (4:24 minutes)
Nah-Mo Way Duh Gwan Een”(“Hail! the powerful and virtuous Kuan Yin…”)
Bhajan (devotional song) “Jaya Guru Omkara” (8:47 minutes)
Jaya Guru Omkāra
Jaya Jaya Sadguru Omkāra Om
Brahmā Vişņu Sadā Śiva
Hara Hara Hara Hara Mahādeva
Violet Flame Mantras with Elizabeth Clare Prophet (6:04 minutes)
Decree: O Violet Flame, Come Violet Flame
Visualizations for Japan in Violet Flame (6:42 minutes)
Decree: O Violet Flame, Come Violet Flame
Member Resources
Members will find additional resources in the Member Area including visualizations booklet (“Inserts” page), and decree, novena and service replays (“Free KOF Broadcast”). Broadcast subscribers have additional multimedia resources.
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