The Christmas Rose – A Calling to the Heart of God

The Christmas Rose – A Calling to the Heart of God

In celebration of Christmas, the following is an excerpt from Jesus' Christmas 1991 address, “The Christmas Rose, I Call You to the Heart of God published in the 1991 Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 34 No. 67.

I show you the midnight of my coming, and I show you the sky and worlds beyond, illumined by thousands upon thousands of stars and bodies. How you have wondered before this sight as a child! And with childlike wonder you still consider the heavens and all that they contain.

I say to you each one, be the Christmas star! Let your star shine as your Causal Body in heaven, as your great Dharmakaya. Let it shine! Let it draw nigh to you as you draw nigh to it! Practice the Presence of God by daily making your vessel the biding place of the I AM THAT I AM. Do this, beloved.

As you belong to God–and I have said ye are God’s–so you are also that God-manifestation. Let not time or space or self-condemnation or sense of worthlessness take from you the true joy of this day, [nor the joy] that because I have come in this two-thousand-year cycle and come again from ancient cycles, there is the reconnecting of your heart to the heart of the living Christ if you seek that path of initiation.

[This day,] there is the reigniting of the flame in those who seek the rekindling of the flame. [This day,] there is the present possibility of that return to the paradise lost, to the great golden age whence you have descended at great cost and loss to yourself.

Celebrate, then, that God called me but celebrate also that he called you and that your star can rise. It can be a nova and through you the great Lord may contact many. Do not lose sight of this perspective; for if you do, beloved, if you lose the vision, you will forfeit so great an opportunity as has not come to you in many ten thousands of years.

I proclaim to you: It is the hour of the union of twin flames at inner levels, of the union of great spheres of Light for a cosmic purpose. As you are “alive” (as much as one is alive in this condition), “alive and well on planet earth,” you have the great, great opportunity of being the anchor point of your own Causal Body and that of your twin flame and, through the twain, to draw forth the Light of the ancient Gurus back to the Great Central Sun.

May you take the great teaching that has been given and rejoice that this is the day of the Christmas Rose for you and your Beloved. Wherever each one of you is on the Path, there is a fusion of Causal Bodies for the great, great purpose of the fulfillment of your mission. Remember this and be one-pointed.

I am Jesus, your brother, your friend, your teacher, avatar of the age, desiring so to strengthen you that you might be unto the many what I have been unto you. Keep on keeping on, beloved, for your track is direct to the star of great, great hope.

I seal you in this hour that you might rejoice yet more hours this day in what it really means to be the Christmas Rose.

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