Secrets of the Violet Flame

Secrets of the Violet Flame

Violet Flame in the Aura

A clairvoyant radio show host in Atlanta remarked to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “You have a lot of violet light in your aura.”

Elizabeth Clare Prophet noted that this happened to her many times since 1961 when she first began using the violet flame.

And it wasn't only psychics who noticed the violet light. Hindu yogis and Buddhist monks also looked at her and her late husband, Mark Prophet, and asked where they had gotten “all of that violet” in their auras.

She said, “Of course, the violet light comes from the violet flame, which I learned about from Mark. Since he passed on in 1973, I have shared the secrets of the violet flame with thousands of people all over the world. When you learn these secrets, you too will have violet light in your aura.”

The violet fire is more than violet light. It is an invisible spiritual energy that appears violet to those who have developed their spiritual vision.

In previous centuries, knowledge of visualizing ro invoking the violet light was given only to a chosen few who had proven themselves worthy.

Saints and adepts of East and West have long used the secret of the violet flame to accelerate their spiritual development. Only in the twentieth century has this once-secret knowledge been revealed to the the general population of spiritual seekers.

Saint Germain and the Violet Flame

Ascended Master Saint GermainThe violet flame is the gift of the Holy Spirit that comes to us under the sponsorship of Saint Germain.  As Lord of the Seventh Ray and Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, Saint Germain reintroduced the violet flame in the twentieth century.

Not since the early days of Atlantis when its golden-age civilization was at its height have mankind had access to the alchemy of the violet flame. It was withdrawn when the priesthood and the public alike began the misuse and the disuse of the Unfed Flame on the Temple altar, compromising its seventh-ray aspect, the violet flame, as well.

With the sinking of Atlantis, the mystery schools and retreats of the adepts were removed to the Himalayas or transferred to the etheric octave.

Thereafter the knowledge of the violet flame—how to invoke it, how to apply it in the alchemy of the seventh ray—was handed down from master to disciple until Saint Germain released it to the world 60 years ago.

The Violet Fire Has Many Purposes

The violet flame revitalizes and invigorates us. It can heal emotional and even physical problems, improve relationships and make life easier.

More important, the violet flame changes negative energy into positive energy, which makes it an effective tool for physical and spiritual healing. Today we are learning more than ever before about how disease can be rooted in our mental, emotional and spiritual states. By transforming negative thoughts and feelings, the violet flame provides a platform for our healing.

It's the highest gift of God to the universe.  Try it for yourself and you may agree!

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Excerpted in part from Violet Flame to Heal Body Mind and Soul by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

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