39. The Human Aura

  • What is the aura?
  • Is the aura what is photographed in Kirlian photography?
  • Does the aura ever lie?
  • Does the knowledge of the aura have any practical uses?

Elizabeth Clare Prophet Prophet, you have a book The Human Aura could you tell us just what is the aura?

The book The Human Aura by Kuthumi and Djwal Kul is a series of letters dictated through Mark Prophet to his students throughout the world. It goes into the aura in an exceptional way. We are all interested in knowing about the aura because at sublevels of awareness we all perceive one another's aura. We're all reading each other and that reading is being translated to our conscious mind.

When we have a sense of danger about a certain individual or an immediate affinity with someone or we sense that someone has a certain personality, we are contacting the aura. It's an energy field. It's a blueprint, and it exists before birth and after death.

Scientists have conducted studies on this energy field and have postulated that this nonphysical matrix, this electromagnetic blueprint, or “life field,” exists around every living thing on the planet—not just around people but around animals and plants. It has also been shown to exist around inorganic matter. Scientists call it an L-field.

Researchers have also discovered an energy field originating in the mind, which they call a “thoughtfield” (T-field). This in turn controls the L-field, or the life field. They say that the thought field exists independently of the physical brain, and both the T-field and the L-field are influenced by greater electromagnetic fields of the universe.

When we start thinking about this and the flow of life, we begin to reconsider our entire world view, even our concepts of theology and science, and we begin to realize that there is a continuity of being that we have been divorced from by the way we view the universe in the West.

Is the aura what is photographed in Kirlian photography?

Personally, when I see the aura I see much more than what is being photographed, but certainly Kirlian photography substantiates a nonphysical energy that we have not figured on scientifically before.

Jesus Christ's Teaching in the Bible on the Aura

There's no question that the great avatars have taught of the aura. Jesus said: “The light of the body is the eye. If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”

That statement denotes a mystical teaching. It cannot be understood from the context of the words themselves but only in the light of energy and its qualification.

In the concept of the eye being single, Jesus is talking about our attention. Where our attention rests, so will be the light of the body. If the eye is single, or single-minded—on God, on good, on developing the highest potential of being—then the body is full of light. But if the eye is evil, that is, if the eye descends out of that single-mindedness into the duality of a dual vision, which is seeing constantly the relativity of good and evil, then the body is full of darkness.

This shows that we have an energy field. That energy field can be full of light or it can be qualified as darkness. I have seen some people whose auras were literally surrounded by a black energy. And I have seen others whose auras were filled with light. Their eyes reflected that light as well as their joy, their laughter, their communion with the bubbling brook of the Holy Spirit, if you will.

I have noticed that the people who have a black energy around them also have chakras that emanate a darkness. When such people are in a state of anger, the blackness becomes charged with a crimsonlike lightning, which emanates from the mouth if they are verbalizing their anger or from the solar plexus if they are feeling that anger but not expressing it. The aura records moment by moment by moment the feelings and the thoughts of an individual.

The conclusion of Jesus is: “If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” But how can light be darkness when they are opposites? The answer is that light is another name for energy, and energy is another name for God. The aura, then, is a receptacle that we have been given to contain God's light, God's energy, the very essence of God himself.

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The Human Aura Records Thoughts and Feelings

Through the thoughts of our hearts, we may put a forcefield on the aura, creating greater light or creating darkness. The aura is the greatest proof that man has the gift of free will and that we have a certain portion of God's energy allotted to us daily. This energy registers as the aura, and we can choose whether we are going to make that aura dark or light.

We are living in what would be considered by some standards on other systems of worlds quite a primitive era in that most people do not readily perceive the aura with the eyes and therefore do not readily see what people are in actuality. We do not have the aura to bear witness, so we grope blindly, trusting people we shouldn't trust and not realizing that even the coming of illness or death registers on the aura before it occurs.

The Human Aura by Kuthumi and Djwal KulThis great science of the aura that we are now discovering can lift us out of the era of the blind leaders of the blind where people follow whoever smiles at them and says nice words.

People cannot conceal what they are in the aura. The aura is a giant mirror of the soul and of the consciousness.

The aura is like a garment, and it is possible for people to completely conceal very dark modes of consciousness by putting over the aura a patine of great light and the manifestation of light. Kuthumi describes this in The Human Aura.

Does the aura ever lie?

Ascended Master Kuthumi says that at various moments when individuals are off guard and they suddenly become enraged or irritated or challenged, the aura will turn inside out and these dark manifestations hidden neatly between the folds of the garment will come to the surface. We see this happening again and again as people's hidden selves come to the surface for judgment.

Part of this is an activity of the soul itself. The soul is not content to be dwelling within a personality that is deceitful, because the soul's basic orientation is to move toward oneness with the Spirit of the living God. And therefore the soul arranges circumstances whereby we are exposed or we betray ourselves.

This is why many times criminals who commit the perfect crime will make an obvious mistake. At subconscious levels the soul really wants to be caught, wants to be discovered and wants to be brought to judgment so it can begin to atone for its sin—or, in Hindu terms, to balance its karma. We can hide certain emanations of our consciousness for a time but not permanently because the law of God forces them to the surface for cleansing.

Does the knowledge of the aura have any practical uses?

human aura and chakras over David statueI think the practical uses of the aura have to do with garnering an energy field of light. The aura is a receptacle, an outer garment that we wear. In other words, our identity does not stop with our skin. And sometimes when people are in a certain frame of consciousness or very relaxed, they can look over at a friend and see an energy wavelength around the body. It is a forcefield right next to the body that has to do with the protective emanation of the soul.

Now, that is only the beginning. There are forcefields beyond forcefields that go out from that immediate energy field, and these forcefields are interconnecting receptacles. We have the option by our free will to invoke the light of God and to fill the aura with more and more energy of the sacred fire and therefore to contain within these receptacles a greater concentration of what is called God's consciousness, or the God consciousness, or cosmic consciousness.

Interpenetrating and working with the aura are the seven chakras. These focuses of the sacred fire are points of God-awareness that can be developed by meditation and by the Science of the Spoken Word. The key chakra, as we have said, is the heart itself and the threefold flame within the heart.

Meditating upon the heart and the threefold flame and using the violet-flame invocations, one begins to establish a momentum that builds day by day until the momentum is so great that it becomes as great as that of Jesus. We know that the woman who had the issue of blood for twelve years needed merely to touch the hem of his garment to be healed.

Example of the Healing Power of Jesus' Aura

But the touching of the hem of his garment was not simply a physical touching. The woman touched his aura, and by touching the aura and placing her attention upon it, she became a siphon. She was empty; he was full. His aura immediately was transferred to hers and made her whole.

And Jesus said, “I perceive that virtue is gone out of me. Who touched me?” He knew who touched him, but he made the statement so that we could realize that healing occurs through a transfer of energy.

He wanted us to know that if we would follow him all the way, as he is the great example of our overcoming, we must also fill our auras and our chakras with light so that when people come in contact with us we will have a reservoir of energy that can be used. Having the aura filled with light is being ready to extend the cup of cold water in Christ's name.

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