Category Archives: Christmas

Oh, the Heart of Kindness!

Oh, the Heart of Kindness!

This excerpt on the heart of kindness is from Lanello's Christmas Eve 1992 address published in the Pearl of Wisdom®, Vol. 36, No. 2

Blessed ones, as you enter this year filled with its promise and yet with some trepidation, wondering what might come to your doorstep next, I also come with hope. For hope is surely the star that we follow to the place where the Lord lay and where Christ is born in each heart.

It is good to know that all things that come to your doorstep can be dealt with by the living fire and the fount of Love within your heart. The key is not to react, not to become negative but rather philosophical, to say to yourself:

“Who knocks there? Whose footstep do I hear? Is it that of friend or foe? It matters not, for I give love and have plenty to spare. In this my calling in life, I shall greet all that comes to me with a chuckle, with a point of laughter, with the wisdom of the Mind of God, with my gaze fixed on him and yet kindness always flowing to my neighbor.”

In this stance, then, be not reactors, beloved, but know that life is full of promises and many packages wrapped, some with love and some with cords of enmity. Receive them all and deal with them justly, honorably and with that deep fire of love that has compassion for evildoers who have lost the key to the heart of God that you yet hold in your treasure chest of Love.

Be Not Moved by Circumstances or Karma

Oh yes, beloved, do not allow yourself to be moved this way and that because of circumstances. Do not ever discount the moment of karma. For is not every particle of sand that descends in the hourglass the sign of passing karma that can be dealt with, that must be dealt with at the moment when it passes through the nexus?

This must seem an impossible task–how to be there at the right point in time and space to greet your karma so that when it passes through the nexus it does not create a pile of karma beneath and therefore require you to start all over again.

Yes, beloved, when you are in the right place in consciousness, you are always at the point of the nexus, the nexus of the mighty figure-eight flow that delivers to you the lightning of the Mind of God through the Sacred Heart of your Holy Christ Self. Being at that point of equanimity, you can be philosophical about tragedy and sudden loss and also hold the reins of the ecstatic mood when great good things come your way.

In the peace-commanding presence of the centeredness of being, know wholeness. My prayer for you this year is that the Christmas wind, which is the wind of the Holy Spirit, shall bring to you peace of mind, wholeness, centeredness and, above all, charity toward yourself, toward all. Charity, beloved–for charity does engulf with flames of Love all pride and ego-centeredness that beget self-condemnation and the condemnation of others.

Wholeness, Achieved through Love, Is the Goal

Yes, beloved, I would have you walk the earth as the children of Wisdom and I would have you deal with life and circumstance by the fiat of the spoken Word.

Yes, beloved, wholeness is the goal. It is achieved through love, yes, and wisdom. But as you have been told, without God’s will, without that faith, without that fire of the true-blue chela, you will find it difficult, (yea impossible, as the scriptures say,) to please God. And, blessed heart, if you are not able to please God, then you will become among all people the most miserable.

See, then, and understand that pleasing God does not require gymnastics of the mind or ultimate feats of this and that but simply the gentle heart. Oh, the gentle heart, the heart of kindness, the heart of Maitreya, the heart of the Bodhisattva!

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