Category Archives: Mystical Paths – Buddhism

Amoghasiddhi, Dhyani Buddha

Amoghasiddhi, Dhyani Buddha

The name Amoghasiddhi means “Almighty Conqueror” or “He Who Unerringly Achieves His Goal.” Amogasiddhi's All-Accomplishing Wisdom, or Wisdom of Perfected Action, antidotes the poison of envy and jealousy. This wisdom confers perseverance, infallible judgment and unerring action.

Amoghasiddhi represents the practical realization of the wisdoms of the other Dhyani Buddhas. He is described as the Dhyani Buddha of the realization of the Bodhisattva Path. A Bodhisattva is one who has forgone the bliss of nirvana with a vow to first liberate all beings.

Amoghasiddhi is the Dhyani Buddha of the north. His color is green, signifying the sun at midnight. He rules over the element of air and embodies the skandha of volition, also called the skandha of mental phenomena or tendencies of mind.

Vishvavajra, the double vajraHis symbol is the vishvavajra, or double vajra. It is made of two crossed vajras and symbolizes the highest comprehension of truth and the spiritual power of a Buddha.

The throne of Amoghasiddhi is supported by garudas. A garuda is a mythical figure, half man and half bird. In relation to Amoghasiddhi, Lama Govinda says the garuda symbolizes “man in transition towards a new dimension of consciousness,…the transition from the human to the superhuman state, which takes place in the mysterious darkness of the night, invisible to the eye.”1

Amoghasiddhi's mudra is the abhaya mudra, the gesture of fearlessness and protection. (Right hand is raised to shoulder height with the palm turned outward and fingers upward.)

Amoghasiddhi's bija is Ah and his mantra is Om Amoghasiddhi Ah.

1. Govinda, Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism, p. 262; Insights of a Himalayan Pilgrim, p. 84

Akshobhya, Dhyani Buddha

Akshobhya, Dhyani Buddha

The name Akshobhya means “Immovable” or “Unshakable.” Akshobhya’s Mirrorlike Wisdom reflects all things calmly and uncritically and reveals their true nature. One text says, “Just as one sees one’s own reflection in a mirror, so the Dharmakaya is seen in the Mirror of Wisdom.” 1 Mirrorlike Wisdom antidotes the poison of hatred and anger. In… Continue Reading

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