Inner Perspectives

A Guidebook for the Spiritual Journey

Inner-Perspectives-bookInterviews with Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters including:

The human aura, seven rays, chakras, karma, reincarnation, spiritual keys to healing, sexuality and spirituality, the creative power of sound, mystery schools, new age rosary, violet flame, spiritual alchemy and the secrets of the mystical paths of the world's religions.

Our souls will never be content until we discover the mission and the meaning of our lives. And therefore, we need to learn the rules of the game and follow them under the direct guidance of those who know them (and us) well if we are to meet the great challenge of our evolution on earth.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Inner Perspectives: Questions And Answers

1. Awakening to Life's Purpose

  • Who is Elizabeth Clare Prophet and what does she have to say to America and the world?
  • How is it that you have come to this point of understanding?
  • Is there anything in your experience that is unique, that gives you this special insight that many of us don't have?
  • What do Jesus and Saint Germain have in common?

2. Your Divine Blueprint

  • What is the Inner Self?
  • Is everybody actually naming God when they say “I am”?
  • Is the element of ego involved in this?
  • Where is the teaching of the I AM found in Eastern religions?
  • Is there more that one can do with it other than simply affirming that I AM?
  • What is the relationship between God and his Word?
  • Everybody can become the Christ, but how many have succeeded? Isn't Jesus the only one?

3. The Ascended Masters

  • Who are the ascended masters?
  • Do they actually communicate directly with people on our plane?
  • If someone has mastered time and space and transcended this plane, why should he come back and help us?
  • Are the ascended masters are communicating with you today in the same way that they once did with the prophets in the Bible?
  • How does somebody know that what you're saying is true?
  • Is it possible for anyone to decide whether or not your experience is real just by listening to you?
  • Do the masters speak through you?
  • How is this different from what is normally referred to as a psychic involvement?
  • So there is no point at which your own faculties are suspended?
  • Is the message of a dictation infallible?

4. Your Real Self

  • How is your concept of the Self quite different from that of many people?
  • What is the Chart of Your Divine Self?
  • Is the Trinity something that is present in all of us all the time?
  • How does an ascended master related to the Chart of Your Divine Presence?
  • When Jesus prayed to the Father, he was actually talking to himself, his Real Self?
  • Who was Jesus' teacher?
  • What were the “lost years” of Jesus and how did he learn about the Buddha?
  • Where would Buddha be on that same Chart?
  • What is the crown chakra?
  • Is it true that Buddha represented a higher evolution than Jesus?

5. The Violet Flame

  • What is the violet flame and what can it do for you?
  • What is the history of the violet flame.
  • Why is it key to a positive future?
  • Is it a religious concept or can anyone use it?
  • How much time does it take to see the violet flame make a difference?

6. God as Mother

  • Can God be masculine and feminine, Father and Mother?
  • What do the Mother flame, kundalini and the divine Feminine have in common?
  • What is the role of soul and spirit in the quest for wholeness, harmony and joy?

7. Sexuality and Spirituality

  • What is the truth about twin flames and soul mates?
  • What is the real meaning of sex?
  • Ultimate bliss—how do you get there?

8. Energy Is God

  • How is the current energy crisis reflected in the use of energy in our thoughts and feelings?
  • How does a violet flame mantra energize matter and begin alchemical change?
  • How do heart, head and hand mantras integrate body, mind and soul?

9. Commanding God

  • What do we do when we have a problem forgiving someone?
  • How do you use God's energy scientifically?
  • What protection is there from radiation from computers, cell phones and other unseen energy?
  • How is mantra different from prayer?
  • What does visualization have to do with the science of the spoken word?
  • Why are the mantras of the ascended masters called “decrees”?

10. The Law of Abundance

  • How did Jesus perform his miracles?
  • Can we do the same?
  • How does fear and doubt interfere with prosperity?
  • Did Jesus use mantras?
  • How can we use the same principles as Jesus used to make greater progress on our spiritual path?
  • Do you have some specific advice on how one can integrate mantras and decrees with one's daily activities?

11. Life as a Path of Initiation

  • What's the purpose of life?
  • Is Jesus' life relevant to our life today?
  • What is initiation?
  • What is the meaning of the spiritual path?
  • What does the secret of abundance have to do with the Buddhist precept of “right living?”

12. Spiritual Resurrection

  • What is the resurrection?
  • Would it be possible to end physical death?
  • What about physical healing?
  • What is the first thing you seek to change?
  • What is the ascension?
  • Is immortality possible?
  • What does karma have to do with it?

13. Contacting the Ascended Masters

  • For over 50 years The Summit Lighthouse has shared the teachings of the ascended masters.
  • What was it like in the beginning with Mark Prophet?
  • How did the ascended masters contact Elizabeth Clare Prophet?

Spiritual Healing – Science of the Fifth Ray

14. Spiritual Keys to Healing and Wholeness

  • What is the law of cause and effect?
  • What are the four lower bodies and their purpose?
  • Is immediate healing possible with the violet flame?
  • How can you make contact with your center, the threefold flame of life?

15. The Flame in the Heart

  • What is the heart chakra and the threefold flame?
  • Why is the threefold flame important?
  • Specifically, how does the violet flame work?
  • Can it help heal the common cold?
  • What are some of Saint Germain's violet flame mantras?

16. The Immaculate Concept

  • What steps do you take to begin healing?
  • What mantras are good for healing?
  • What is the difference between positive affirmations and denial?
  • How can you remove the cause of negative effects using mantra and visualization?
  • What is the definition of evil?

17. Cause and Effect

  • Where does disease come from?
  • What does reincarnation have to do with disease?
  • What does it mean to take responsibility for your own healing?
  • How are we influenced by other people's energy and what can we do about it?
  • Which ascended masters have a special role in healing?

18. Spiritual Retreats

  • What is an etheric retreat and how do I get there?
  • How can I meet with the ascended masters on the inner planes and attend their classes?
  • How can I contact healing angels?
  • What are some healing mantras I can use for myself and others?
  • How do the healing flame and the violet flame complement each other?

The Seven Paths to Self Mastery

19. Seven Paths to Wholeness

  • What does the flame in the heart have to do with the Aquarian age path?
  • How do you unlock the potential of God within?
  • What are the seven rays?
  • What do the seven rays have to do with the Path?
  • What are the qualities, retreats and colors of the rays?
  • Who are the chohans of the rays?

20. Discipleship

  • How did Jesus establish the path of discipleship for the New Age?
  • If we are all one, where is the place for individuality?
  • Is each of us confined to a particular ray?
  • Does our experience overlap the other rays?
  • What do the seven rays have to do with the seven chakras?
  • Do the seven rays have anything to do with the seven days of the week?
  • How does the eighth ray relate to the seven rays?

The Chohans of the Seven Rays

21. Masters of the Seven Rays

  • Who are the Ascended Masters of the seven rays?
  • What is a chohan?
  • What is the ascension?
  • How is the Christ consciousness expressed in the seven rays?
  • How do the chakras relate to the rays?
  • What are some past lives of these masters?
  • What is the will of God?
  • Who is chohan of the first ray?
  • What were some of El Morya's previous embodiments?

22. El Morya, Master of God's Will

  • Who is El Morya?
  • What were some of El Morya's past lives?
  • What did El Morya do after he ascended?
  • What is the meaning of hierarchy?
  • What is the purpose Darjeeling Council?
  • What are the first steps to better government for all?

23. God-Government

  • What is the relationship between God's will and government?
  • What is the ascended master ideal for government?
  • How do you reconcile the need for change with your spiritual integrity?
  • What can we do to help our leaders?

24. Mystery Schools of the Great White Brotherhood

  • Was Camelot real?
  • How does the Buddhist teaching of the three refuges (jewels) relate to Camelot?
  • What is the meaning of the quest for the Holy Grail?
  • What did the thirteen original colonies of America symbolize?
  • What were the mystery schools?
  • How are the communities of Crotona, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Jesus, Sufis and the Dalai Lama related?
  • What is the ascended master ideal for government?
  • How does the science of the spoken Word help the world become more spiritual?
  • How do you reconcile the need for change with your spiritual integrity?

25. The Master of the Wisdom Ray

  • Who is the Ascended Master Lanto?
  • What does he teach?
  • Where is the Royal Teton Retreat?
  • What do you learn at that etheric retreat?
  • How can we study there?

26. The Master of the Flame of Love

  • Who is Paul the Venetian?
  • What is one of his famous embodiments?
  • What does the statue of the Goddess of Liberty have to do with love?
  • How does Paul the Venetian help us prepare for the ascension?
  • What is the relationship between love and art?
  • What effect does modern art have on consciousness?
  • How does meditation and visualization affect conception and pregnancy?
  • What does Paul the Venetian teach on the real meaning of love?

27. The Master of the Ascension Temple

  • Who is the Ascended Master Serapis Bey?
  • What is the ascension?
  • What are the path of the ascension?
  • What do people have to do to ascend?
  • What does karma and dharma have to do with the ascension?

28. The Healing Master

  • Who is the Ascended Master Hilarion?
  • What does he have to do with the apostle Paul?
  • How is he involved in the search for Truth?
  • What is the real meaning of “conversion”?
  • Why do agnostics deny God?
  • What is a mantra used to discover Truth for yourself?

29. The Ascended Lady Master Nada

  • Who is the Ascended Lady Master Nada?
  • What does her spiritual retreat look like?
  • What were some of Nada's embodiments?
  • What does she have to say about family?
  • What does she teach about fulfilling your dharma?

30. The Master Saint Germain

  • Who is Saint Germain?
  • What is true freedom?
  • How is Saint Germain related to Uncle Sam?
  • What are some of Saint Germain's incarnations?
  • What would cause us to lose our freedom?

31. Brother Afra

  • What is race?
  • Where does the black race fit in the Great White Brotherhood?
  • Who is the black Ascended Master Afra?
  • Has Afra ever given a dictation?

32. Children of Afra

  • What are the perils of nationhood?
  • What did Afra say about the African people in his Ghana dictation?
  • What is the real cause of racial strife?

Christian and Eastern Mysticism

33. Buddha and Christ

  • What does it mean to become the Buddha?
  • What is it like to commune with the Buddha?
  • Could you explain how the Buddha can be meditating on Mother Mary?

34. Reincarnation

  • Did Jesus teach reincarnation?
  • What was the difference between what Jesus taught his disciples and what he taught everyone else?
  • What is the significance of reincarnation in regard to how we live our lives?
  • Does reincarnation reduce the need for personal responsibility?
  • Is there any place for vicarious atonement?
  • What was the purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ?

35. The Law of Karmic Return

  • What happens to people who will not take responsibility for balancing their karma?
  • What about those who withhold the teaching of karma and reincarnation from the people?
  • Don't people go to heaven or hell when they die?
  • What happened to the real core of Jesus' teaching?
  • Have any Church scholars taught reincarnation since Jesus?
  • How important is it to believe in reincarnation?

36. “As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap”

  • Did Jesus teach reincarnation?
  • What was the difference between what Jesus taught his disciples and what he taught everyone else?
  • What is the significance of reincarnation in regard to how we live our lives?
  • Does reincarnation reduce the need for personal responsibility?
  • Is there any place for vicarious atonement?
  • What was the purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ?

37. The Power of the Word

  • What does the word “Christ” mean?
  • Was the Christ on Lemuria and Atlantis?
  • How did Elizabeth Clare Prophet discover the Science of the Spoken Word?
  • What significance does the name of God have in the Science of the Spoken Word?
  • What does the term “Elohim” mean?

38. The Incarnation of the Word

  • How do we know that Jesus intended us to be like him and to prove the same laws he proved?
  • How do we actually perform the works that Jesus did?
  • What did Paul mean when he spoke of the washing of water by the Word?
  • Did the Science of the Spoken Word originate in India?

The Human Aura

39. The Human Aura

  • What is the human aura?
  • Is the aura what is photographed in Kirlian photography?
  • Does the aura ever lie?
  • Does the knowledge of the aura have any practical uses?

40. Reading the Aura

  • Is the aura our contact with other dimensions?
  • What is the source of the aura?
  • What kind of energy depletes the aura?
  • Can psychics or clairvoyants read the aura?
  • What is the meaning of color in the aura?
  • Is intuition the same as reading the aura?
  • Can I learn to read the aura?

41. The Aura of a Saint

  • What is the difference between the aura of the saints and the aura of most of us?
  • Is the purity of the saints too much to ask in today's world?
  • Is finding God and magnifying the light in the aura the same thing?
  • Why is the light of the saints so often rejected by their fellowmen?
  • If all people are created equal, why are there people of such light and darkness on earth?
  • What would happen if everybody were conscientiously trying to magnify the light in his aura?

42. Angels and Your Aura

  • How does our daily experience affect our auras?
  • What role do angels play in determining the nature of our auras?
  • If there are so many angels, how does the aura become contaminated?
  • Why don't people have more contact with angels?

43. Strengthening the Aura

  • How can you strengthen your aura?
  • How do you use prayer as a forcefield of energy?
  • What is the tube of light and how do you use it?
  • How do you use the violet flame to polish your aura?
  • How do you ask Archangel Michael protect you?

44. Intensifying the Aura

  • What does consciousness have to do with the aura?
  • How do we intensify the aura?
  • What does it mean to hallow space?
  • Does the Bible talk about consciousness and chakras?

45. The Aura of Oneness

  • How can we call forth light in our aura?
  • What does it mean to flow with the great river of life?
  • How do we feel our oneness with God?

46. Creativity

  • How will the knowledge of the aura can make us free?
  • What is the pathway to the stars?
  • What is the key to creative mastery?
  • How can you increase the flow of perfection in your aura?

47. The Colors of the Aura

  • What is the meaning of specific colors in the aura?
  • Does Kuthumi teach that the aura is an extension of the self?
  • Does fear color the aura?

48. The Human Aura, A Giant Beacon

  • What did Jesus teach about the aura?
  • Should we always be alarmed at the sudden appearance of darkness in the aura?
  • Should we be burdened by guilt?
  • How can we be free from psychological problems?

Mother Mary, the Divine Mother & the New Age Rosary

49. The Divine Mother

  • Who is the Divine Mother?
  • What is the purpose in having a new rosary?
  • How does ritual help us realize ourselves as one with the rhythm of the universe?
  • What does ritual have to do with alchemy?
  • What is the source of subconscious alienation?

50. A New Age Rosary

  • What is the Mother flame in the new scriptural rosary?
  • How does the ritual of the rosary help us realize our place in the scheme of things?
  • How have the people of earth have become alienated at subconscious levels?

51. Ritual Drama

  • Why has the drama of life itself been taken out of so many people's lives?
  • Was Shakespeare and other great playwrights actually telling us how to move from one plane of consciousness to the next?
  • How does giving the rosary relates to this drama?
  • What is the outcome of this ritual that you describe?
  • If we are denied the ritual, are we denied the outcome of the ritual?
  • So, there is no “salvation made easy” course?
  • What is the true meaning of destiny?

52. The Keeper’s Daily Prayer

  • What can we learn from The Keeper's Daily Prayer?
  • What is the outcome of using that ritual of alchemy?
  • What is the true meaning of the word “destiny?”
  • What is the ascension?

53. The I AM Lord's Prayer

  • Why does Mother Mary's scriptural rosary contain a version of the Lord's Prayer very different from the one most of us are familiar with?
  • How is your concept of the Lord's Prayer revolutionary?
  • What is the I AM Lord's Prayer?
  • Don't you think that a lot of people will see this as the ultimate ego trip?
  • Why is this the true mystic's prayer?

54. Mary, the Mother

  • What is your reaction to the many stereotypes of Mother Mary?
  • Why was Mother Mary chosen for her role?

55. The Soul of Mary

  • How did Mother Mary prepare to play such an important role as ensouling the Mother flame for a planet?
  • Were Mother Mary's parents chosen because of the rigorous life they led?
  • Did Mary have any embodiments in between the time that she embodied on Atlantis and the time she embodied as the mother of Jesus?
  • How does the rosary help us get back to the One Source?
  • What is the connection between the practice of giving the rosary and the disciplines of yoga?
  • What is the anti-Mother force?

56. Forces of Anti-Mother

  • How is the Mother force active today?
  • When you talk about Mother, are you talking about an impersonal force or something more personal?
  • How can we distinguish between the real and the counterfeit Mother force that you describe?
  • What does this have to do with our daily lives?

57. The Mother Force

  • What's the connection between the rosary and yoga?
  • How can the rosary help us realize this fullness of God that you talk about?
  • What happens next in the rosary after the Transfiguring Affirmations?

58. The Mystery of Surrender Rosary

  • Why do you give the rosary with so much more feeling than we hear in the churches?
  • How do you answer those who say that this kind of adoration for Mother is somehow unmanly?
  • How can we quickly harness the energy of this intense cosmic force?
  • What is the Fourteenth Rosary and what can we learn from it about surrender?

Saint Germain & the Revolution in Higher Consciousness

59. Higher Consciousness

  • What do you mean when you talk about the Coming Revolution in higher consciousness?
  • How widespread do you think the Coming Revolution is going to be?
  • Who is Saint Germain and what does he have in mind?
  • What is your personal contact with the master Saint Germain?
  • Is Saint Germain's message for all Americans or just the few who are into mystical teachings?

60. Saint Germain, The Master of Aquarius

  • What is the Aquarian Age?
  • What does the violet flame and the seventh ray have to do with the Aquarian Age?
  • What is Saint Germain's role?
  • With power vested in the hands of a few, what can the little people do?
  • How did Jesus walk on water?
  • Is it possible for someone with lesser attainment than Jesus or Saint Germain to use the laws of alchemy?

61. Spiritual Alchemy of Saint Germain

  • What is the real meaning of alchemy?
  • Does this mean that the law of alchemy can only be used for good?
  • Should everybody will eventually be able to turn base metal into gold?
  • Does that mean we should all practice the precipitation of physical objects?
  • Since it seems that we are destined to be alchemists, where do we start?
  • What does Saint Germain have to say about the white stone and the elixir of early alchemists?
  • What is Saint Germain's comment on alchemy and the world today?
  • What is the meaning of the word evil?

62. The Science of Precipitation

  • How does the practice of alchemy affect the law of supply and demand?
  • Does this mean that we can immediately draw from the Universal anything that we need?

63. The Will of God

  • How do you know what God's will is?
  • How can we put this knowledge of the will of God to work for alchemy and for change in our lives?
  • Once we have identified the will of God and made up our minds that it is going to be our will, what's the next step?
  • What does Saint Germain have to say about use the subconscious mind to enhance creativity?
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